Reviews for The Master
Angharad23 chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
This is absolutely beautiful and amazing-an astonishingly lovely story! I so appreciate writers who write Vulcans as people, and love this little exploration of character and romance. I adore it! Thank you for writing and sharing this!
gemhornet chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
Beautiful story!
leighroberts chapter 1 . 12/10/2016
mistyluc chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
Elephanza chapter 1 . 6/27/2016
This story is so...human, without the characters acting overly human. You do a great job of writing T'Kell. It really felt like she could be a character in the universe, like she could have appeared in the movies. I love her free-spirited personality (as free-spirited as one can be for a Vulcan), and her apprehension in arranged marriage to a much older man. You give her a soul. She is abnormal (in the best way) for a Vulcan and that's why Spock likes her. The inner thoughts of a Vulcan seem difficult to write, but you made it look easy. Spock is clearly older, wiser, and more confident, which was great, but he is still the same gentle, quiet person who does not wish to hurt anyone. I loved the part when he came back from his Earth trip because T'Kell called. The last two paragraphs were just awesome; T'Kell feeling a rush of Spock's joy from such a simple thing as her asking him to listen to her piece of music. And him hiding in externally, but not really! Nothing can be hidden from a wife, especially a bonded one :)) Thanks, loved this story!
WeirdLittleStories chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
This is really quite beautiful. I love your portrait of Spock here, his confidence, his competence, his understanding, and his gentleness. I like it that he deliberately looks for a Vulcan woman who's as rebellious as he was to match him.

This story is beautifully written. Brava!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/7/2012
I loved this story. Very well written. It kept me wondering if she was going to really except him. Please write more like this.
Elessar1201 chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
This is exquisite. Somehow in about 7K words, you've included enough depth of character and emotion to fill a novel. I like T'Kell, and I like how she is three-dimensional, but also symbolizes a different kind of Vulcan woman, one that Spock would realistically seek out after living with human and Starfleet women for so long. I appreciate T'Kell's fears about what would happen to her if she joined her life to Spock's-I'm married to an extraordinary man, too, and it's not always easy. But Spock is a picture of patience and respect-he gives her enough room to figure herself out because he already has and he likes her. And as always, Spock's emotions aren't as controlled as he would like to present them. I like and admire this older Spock, I respond to his personal power, and I am so happy to see him happy. Just beautiful. Thank you.
kykyxstandler chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
wow that was beautiful loved it
KarraCaz chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
I think I've read this before...some time ago now, but the echoes of the memory still reverberated. The way you've characterised T'Kell is extremely well done. We most certainly have the same idea of the kind of person Spock would choose as his bondmate. She has to have that inner fire, the emotion just under control, a shimmering sensualness. Now, I see Saavik in that role, though for many I know that appears an incestuous relationship. Good work also in your portrayal of Spock. So assured, he knows and understands who he is. He has integrated those two halves of his personality. I do hope you'll write more. You have a talent for it.
celticmusebooks chapter 1 . 3/29/2012
What a sweet story. Gently erotic, with well fleshed original characters. Love your description of the middle aged Spock.
TOSoldtimer chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
This is a very fine story. Spock in middle age and out of Starfleet is beautifully drawn, as is T'Kell's reaction to an unwanted arranged marriage. If you have any other old stories hiding on your hard drive, you should put them up for us to enjoy.
harriethare chapter 1 . 2/27/2012
Well done! I thought you caught Spock perfectly. I will be anxious for you to write another story, please don't be shy. Thanks for sharing your muse.
bonbonbonzie chapter 1 . 5/6/2011
This was definitely one of the better Spock stories I have read, so many people don't portray him well, or make him too emotional, this was just the right mix, and also put a bright spot on my day nice job.
pezzyaltoid chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
I reread this one because I caught one of your reviews for another story recently. Wonderful set-up on this one.


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