Reviews for Reclamation of Shadows
Aestera chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
This is how the story should have been told! Ubisoft could learn from this. Very interesting have a real knack for cliffhangers:)
SkaterGirl246 chapter 27 . 1/2/2012
Loved this story, and the prequel too! Haha poor Ezio just couldn't get a break! He must have gotten a new injury every chapter! I was wondering, could you do something with the Harlequin and Hellequin? Ive always found those two really interesting, and two characters with a lot of potential. Your writing style is really good, and I really enjoy it, so I would love to see what you could do with it!
ALittleTrickster chapter 27 . 9/14/2011
I really liked your stories, they were really written with so much detail, you could almost see it! can you do something on fiora and her betrayal to Cesare? She's my favorite multiplayer character in ACBrotherhood, and she was also my favorite Templar aside from Cesare (because he's super devious :p).

Loved ur story!
Dolphin2ii chapter 27 . 8/9/2011
Nice ending!

Good story!

Well done!
LokiPrince chapter 27 . 8/6/2011
An awesome story with an awesome ending. I loved the way how u describe the fight and the strong bond between Leo and Ezio. Hoped to see more awesome AC stories from u again
masta chapter 27 . 8/6/2011
awesome story, i dont even know how to express it more, just simply awesome :))))
Ginkumo chapter 27 . 8/6/2011
This chapter was beautiful. Honestly, I could 100% see every tiny detail, hear every sound, and experience every other sense in between.

This was my favorite piece I've read from you, I can see where you've improved and how you've grasped onto a style that fits wonderfully with Assassin's Creed.

I'd write a lengthy review, but I think at this point all that's needed is a "bravo" and a pat on the back for sticking through this until the end and entertaining anyone looking for a good story. Very well done. Thank you for keeping up the fandom and sharing Ezio with us in such an inspiring way :)
Nightshade07 chapter 27 . 8/6/2011
Awesome ending, will you be doing AC: Revelations when it comes out?
A Spirit of the Stars chapter 27 . 8/6/2011
YES! That was amazing! I'm rather sad that is is over finally, but it was a fantastic story! The best AC one I have ever read. Thanks for pushing it to the end and going out with a bang! Cant wait to read more from you!
Ginkumo chapter 26 . 7/28/2011
This was so well-developed and wonderfully written, I can't wait for the finale C:

And you're getting much better with these intense cliffhangers, and it's definitely not a good thing hah!
A Spirit of the Stars chapter 26 . 7/27/2011
Oh my gosh YES! New chapter! And I, not surprisingly, LOVED IT! I especially enjoyed all the imagery. The way you described the storm and the fight really caught my eye this chapter. It was great!

Just next time, don't keep up waiting so long! O_o
LokiPrince chapter 26 . 7/27/2011 got yourself into a fine big mess again.
Nightshade07 chapter 26 . 7/26/2011
Ezio...really, how do you keep getting yourself caught in tighter and tighter situations? Update ASAP! Insieme per la Vittoria! Vittoria agli Assassini!
LokiPrince chapter 25 . 7/12/2011
Man...if i were Ezio, I probably slapped Leo left and right.

Can't wait to read the final chaps of this awesome story. You have our support :)
LyNn-6t7 chapter 25 . 7/11/2011
Another Awesome Chapter.

When playing Brotherhood, I remember the first time I used the Apple in combat. I was like "HELL YEAH!" there might have even been a little sadistic chuckle or two as well. LOL.

And then reading this chapter I have to say this particular passage described that part of the game PERFECTLY:

"He could feel the lightest of brushes of his enemies' minds against his as he snapped their sanity, and dropped bodies onto the floor by the dozens, each either writhing in pain or in madness. Those who did not fall quickly enough were hurried along their way by a blade to the throat."

My reaction to reading it was almost exactly like my reaction when I played that part of the game. It included the "HELL YEAH" and MUHAHAHAH all at once.

I'm equally eager and sad for the end of this story. I can't wait to read the conclusion but I also don't want to say goodbye to your Ezio and Leonardo story telling :( As I've said before its the very best I've read in AC Fanfiction.
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