Reviews for That Song on the Radio
Guest chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
I loved it! :)
StruggleBusCentral chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
This story is so good. ) I love your characterization and the style that you wrote in! Lovely.
QuinntheEskimo chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
o my goodness... this was so sweet! :D i love it. seriously. i always feel like when i read or write a KH fic, either Riku or Kairi winds up getting left out, because... well.. for obvious reasons. but here, i feel like sora really does love them both, but just in vastly different ways. but that doesn't make either love any less genuine. and no, you did not kill me with cheesiness. i absolutely love this!
Airway Static chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
It wasn't that cheesy...or maybe it's just that I've secretly been wanting to read something like this for a long time so I don't mind even if it is. But either way nice job!
Riffs chapter 1 . 6/27/2011
I was all tingly at that last sentence. Written so amazingly well. The parallelism, the really poignant wording, the building expectation of seeing you handle words of Kairi so well and just waiting and knowing that you were going to really create a beautiful sentiment when responding with something from Riku. Excellent!
Lily Argetfricai chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
This is WONDERFUL :)

I like how with Kairi it is always the faerytale romance and with Riku it is almost the opposite and that is why he fits with both.
Sunriseonmymind chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
This is so stupid cute. I absolutely adore it. This is kinda how I've always seen Sora, Kairi, and Riku. He could be happy with either one, but of course Riku is the better choice. :D The whole idea, and the list, and the side-by-side comparisons were really effective, and I didn't find myself disliking Kairi at all in this, which I think is important. Um... I really hate leaving reviews. They always get awkward. Anyway... Good job!
Mielleuse chapter 1 . 3/15/2011
I just loved it, sometimes it's just so cute it becomes silly xD Wonderful D
me malum chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
I freakin' *loved* this. Even if some of the points were slightly cheesy, the way you elaborated on them was beautiful.

And the last sentence is just... perfect. Really heart-warming.

Thanks for writing this!
levadura chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
I'm sorry I am leaving an useless comment, but I don't know what to say. I loved it, from beginning to end. The last sentence was perfect. It's wonderful. I just don't know what else to say in this review.

Thank you.
Verovex chapter 1 . 1/6/2011
The line that made this story amazing to me was:

"He wanted to share Riku with the world so that they would all know him as well as Sora did and see just how absolutely wonderful Riku is."

True love knows that it's not meant to be perfect, that you can share affection and a strong intimate connection with someone, but at the end of the day it's knowing that you're not with someone because they're perfect, but because they understand you... they know you. They know you fight and denounce each other, but at the end of the day you have each other, and that's all you need. True love also means holding no jealousy, and recognizing that that person is with you for a reason, and sharing them with the world is what love is all about.

It was just nice to see a story that so greatly contrast the distinction between the lust factor (in a not so smutty way, but the fairytale kind of way) and the my-future-is-with-you factor written in such a clear, beautiful manner. You don't come across it often, and I rarely write reviews this long, but you just.. understand what very few people understand and can see the clear distinctions between all three characters and the relationships between them.

I once read a rumour that Nomura originally made Sora and Riku a real couple, but that didn't fly by gaming standards across the world, so he had to add a girl. I'm glad he added Kairi, because although we don't get a blatant gay relationship in an actual game, we get to create this own fantasy in our heads about this love triangle that truly, truly exists.

(At least in some form it does.)

It's just... even though this story is just another story, it's the pure reason I love Kingdom Hearts so much, and why I love fanfiction so much. IT WAS JUST SO DAMN PERFECT.

And it's nice to know that someone can write fanfiction without degrading a whole damn series.

Again, perfection is what I would call this, not so much cheesiness.
Fredrikness chapter 1 . 1/2/2011

And amazing and adorable and so descriptive.! :D

I love it.!
mrsgrumpygills chapter 1 . 12/28/2010
There was something about this that I really liked. It was simple, but in a way it was so much more. I especially liked the ending line. It was perfect.
BonitaBreezy chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
wow, 33333

I especially loved the last sentence. It struck a chord in me, ya know? Fantastic.
Meow the secreat reviewer chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
Ahhhh,its cute !-!
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