Reviews for Unravelled
naruto kurama chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Great job on this.
LoverFaery chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
That was glorious. Truly. Your Remus was spot-on, the writing elegant, the ruminations touching and natural.
SWaddict1986 chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
"Remus dislikes the winter"

So do I. Winter is fail.

Can I warm him? ;)

Snow is also fail.


i'm like...Remus in female form :P

"Sirius teases that his brown cardigan makes him look like an old librarian"

Awww but he does it out of love ;)

Too adorable about his favourite sweater.

That last paragraph made me stop smiling. So depressing. Poor Remus :(
paulmcco chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Poor Remus! Very timely story, I wonder where you got the idea? When did his Father die? Are he and Sirius off at the time of the story?

Sweaters are very nice especially wool ones. Sirius has good taste getting Remus a cashmere sweater, very soft and comfy.

A nice blend of sweet and sad.
A Drifter chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
This is a great story, it is very touching and I really enjoyed it. The only flaw I saw was you have a bit of trouble with tenses. When you mean to talk about the present it reads as if it's the past. Besides that I loved it!

On that note, I would like to refer you to a creative roleplaying site called Rocky Mountain International (www. rmimagic .com). From this story it looks like you'd fit in wonderfully with the other creative writers there, and I think they need a staff member right now too. You should definitely take a look. :)
FlameintheFlood chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
That was just so tremendously sad! I could totally relate to the beginning, because despite not being a werewolf, I'm still frightfully allergic to the cold. It ruins my hair, makes me constantly tense and exhausts me to no end. I understand, Remus. I totally get you.

I love the way you have the marauder's comment on his sweater wearing. Made me happy. I want more sweaters now. All of mine are dirty or too small. It was so sad! Why is his father dead? That's so mean and stupid. Everyone always fucking dies!

I especially liked the first Gryffindor sweater that he made friends in. It was super cute. I also liked Sirius' sweater for him.

One thing that I would've had different was how at the beginning it went from him at Hogwarts all in present tense ("he is" and "winter is" etc) and I expected it to end with him at Hogwarts, as if all this inner musing was him thinking as he trudged across the grounds. I could really see it and I liked it a lot.

But then at the end he's musing as an adult. I liked this too, with the box image and all -I could totally see it. But the transition from one to the other was kind of strange. Like, it's the same person thinking (Remus) but it's not (big Remus/little Remus.) What makes it particularly strange is that they are both in present tense. but idk, maybe I'm thinking too hard.

Also, at the very beginning you said motility? I think you meant mobility. Also, there were a couple non-sentence sentences. Also: more show, less tell?

Love you! Love this drabble. Sorry if I sound too critical, I really did like it.

Love you lots,


(p.s. make sure somebody gets me sweaters for christmas!)
TangerineFields chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Aww! That is so adorable! It's actually brought tears to my eyes! Thanks so much :) xx