Reviews for The Longest Christmas
TheAlbinoPhoenix chapter 2 . 4/24/2018
It's been years since the first time I read this. Say, seven to eight years. The first time, I was bawling at the end of it. Same with the second time. And the third. Now, so much later, I've come back to read a cute, sad story that stayed in my brain for so long, and it still makes me emotional. Thanks for the years of feels.
Leya Anhaylla chapter 2 . 1/3/2017
Wow. I'm moved by how great this story was. Really beautiful
Hope1494 chapter 1 . 10/21/2015
I loved this story, it was unique and beautifully written. My heart ached at the end, I couldn't help but wish that maybe after Kirk finished what he needed to do in his universe he might be able to go back to his Spock and live until they both died together. But that's just the romantic in me lol
sogni chapter 2 . 5/17/2015
you make me cry! you know! this is awesome! i don't know you, but i love you!
this have five years ... i don't know if you are alive... lol, but you are fantastic, no doubt about it.
thanks... and i am crying...
tanseynz chapter 2 . 3/16/2015
Oh, that's a weepie! So well written I felt part of it. Thank you for sharing it (goes off to find a handkerchief)...
Elaine du Lac chapter 2 . 6/14/2014
The most awful bittersweet story ever! Just, shit! My heart!
JigglyJelloWithCoconut chapter 2 . 1/1/2014
I knew it was too good to be true and when the truth came out, I just started bawling. ;_;
This was such an amazing story!
Crazyitachi-la-malade-de-Shaka chapter 2 . 11/5/2013
I MUST review this because it's one of the most heartbreaking stuff I've ever read. Firstly sorry if there are mistakes, English isn't my mother tongue :)

It's been a week that I'm the leader of a temporary work team and I just slept 3h to get it finished and the man with whom I worked the best is the one I've been longing for a year now. But he's taken, very happy, so I keep it for myself cause I'm not heartless.

If Q could come, I'd hope the same even if there is pain in the end..
I love this fic cause it's real. I ached, burnt and suffered with Kirk, wished it could be true until the very end...
But people like our dear captain always stay alone even if sometimes the cherished friend comes closer and all you can hope is stealing a voiceless Vulcan kiss near a chessboard.

A very most sincere and strong work!
Sheepdog20 chapter 2 . 10/4/2013
I'm gonna sob my eyes out. You should have let him stay. It's painful and makes my heart break. One of the saddest and happiest stories ever.
Sheepdog20 chapter 1 . 10/4/2013
Wow. I've been so sad while reading this. Poor Spock and I hope this never ends for them.
Mirage chapter 2 . 9/28/2013
That was so cute of Q that he did giveJim his wish...but soooooooooo sad, that it was in his reality not so as he wished, only frindship, sure its great to , but not so as if they where together...that is really really very sad...
but a nice story and great idea, Q is strange-funny-bastard but atleast this time he was nice and gentle to a wish
MajoringinFandoms chapter 2 . 9/14/2013
This is painfully sad and sweet at the same time. Kudoos
Persephone30 chapter 2 . 7/25/2013
Absolutely love this story. I was crying just before I scrolled down to the end. Thank you for this. :)
GreyNimue chapter 2 . 6/10/2013
So bittersweet! I choose to believe they will come back to eachother in time, because I can't stand it when they're not together.
Dingleballs chapter 2 . 6/6/2013
dear god, i havent cried that hard in ages ;_; its just so damn sad DXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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