Reviews for Faces in the Passageway
viennacantabile chapter 6 . 5/21/2006
heehee. go yalith!

i'm just wondering: did you mean to have the entire chapter italicized? is there a reason for that i'm not getting? TT_TT

but yes. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep updating! :D
viennacantabile chapter 5 . 5/21/2006
adfghjklj. omfg i CANNOT believe that i missed your update! i've been waiting on an update for years and i completely missed it! ::stabs self::

that being said, poor dr. antilles.

and i cannot wait to see what vader does. ::heart::
kmangus23 chapter 6 . 5/20/2006
nice...very nice...I am starting to get used to how the story skips around..and I can totaly understand it now...its great...update soon!
Padawan Sydney Bristow chapter 6 . 5/6/2006
wow this story is amazing! I love the phrases from the movie that are scattered throughout the chapters. It makes the reader much more able to put the movies and your story together. LOVING IT! UPDATE
Chiwizard chapter 6 . 5/6/2006
Well what do you know? I go wandering around the site, looking for excellent fics, ones that I haven't read in a while, and what do I find? Yours! And you've updated! You totally made my day!
pokey chapter 6 . 5/6/2006
As alway it simply stunning. This has always been my favorite of all your pieces, which is saying something because I really love pretty much all of them.
Cyndi-rhyla chapter 6 . 5/5/2006
an extremely interesting plot, it made me think and for that your story is something im going to follow closely.

great fic!
Rachel657062 chapter 5 . 4/22/2006
This story is downright cool and creepy. Yet, I'm totally interested in reading more of it. I hope you update soon. Say you will!

I'm getting attached to the Padme in this story. I don't even know why. :)
TheRealThing chapter 5 . 4/17/2006
Interesting - quite dark, but I like it.
Padawan Sydney Bristow chapter 5 . 4/13/2006
wow. this story is amazing!I've never seen one like it. It's kind of depressing but VERY captivating. wow. Update soon!
Ashamaphone chapter 5 . 4/13/2006
The doctor pissed me off in the previous chapter because she was so cold but I kinda like her now in a sympathetic sort of way. She's obviously been through a lot, considering the allusions to molestation, which would of course relate to how jaded and unfeeling she can be. I also enjoyed reading the detailed account of Yalith’s medical history.

Anyway, Meredith, it’s nice to see this continued. I’ve enjoyed this story from the beginning: I’m so glad I noticed this update! Take care.
Touched chapter 1 . 11/18/2005
A few spelling mistakes and some very sudden shifts in perspective were the only downsides.

This story was like a bittersweet ghost story. Your descriptive blending of movement, memory and emotion showed this pair to seem so tragic. I HAD to sketch the scene where Vader meets Padme again on stairs ...somewhere overlooking Coruscant. After Ep3, this story is still beautiful on its own.
eridani chapter 4 . 7/4/2005
Apparently re-reading Inside I'm Hollow inspired me to go and re-read all your other SW fics too- and this time pay you the couresty of reviewing. It's a damn shame this never got continued and I'm amazed that you stopped it where you did- the story has so much momentum I can't believe you either, 1 ran out of ideas, or 2 lost interest. The reincarnation plot at first seemed to not be my kind of thing, but you handled it well by introducing it in normal A/P interaction and then substantiating it continuously with flashbacks. I never really got the feeling that Yalith was a singular character, but instead always wrapped around something else (a something else which revealed itself to be Padme). The really incredible thing you've managed to do is to still give her a sense of personality that is ever so slightly distinct from Padme's. Without being separate entities the two characters slide seamlessly but recognisably out of one another. Quite a feat.
Shesbeenlying chapter 2 . 5/20/2005
I read this story for the first time 3 years ago. During the late summer. For some reason it's kind of been stuck in my mind ever since. Sometimes I'll just randomly think of it, it's so..captivating isn't even the right word. This story's main idea, the idea, just gets to me. I can't write right now. I just wanted to say that, because I know you get comments emailed (or at least I do) and maybe you can read this and be like okay so 3 years ago I wrote this story that inspired and kind of stayed with this girl. I have nothing else to say, its just at that.
Pokey1984 chapter 4 . 3/6/2005
oh, I didn't know this wasn't finished... Will it ever be?

I was hoping to have something constructive to say when I reached chapter four. I'm still stuck on "Wow" but I'm going to try anyway.

This is by far the most unique story i have ever seen. I noticed very few errors, (though a few earthisms skipped in) aside from a formating error on chapter two.

I love the way you've portrayed Vader in this, I think you've captured his conflict well.

I also like the unreal quality you've given to this story. It's like verything is clear and hazy at the same time. Yalith is so real, and yet, she's like a ghost.

I'm really hoping theres more to this story, that you'll post it soon. I enjoyed it immensely.
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