Reviews for Tales Of Maroon
koori no hime chapter 10 . 9/8/2013
I love your one shots and I like the way you write. My favorite would be the last one. It's so sweet :)
inkuseitor chapter 10 . 8/29/2013
Thank you for the update!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
OMG! your story made me cry! Like this : TT gosh! tangled, the 1st story really brought me tears! love it! ;)
awesome-sadist chapter 9 . 3/17/2012
this is nice. hope that you'll update soon.. :D

i wish that haru and hayato would have an even more romantic scenes.. hehehehehe..

but still, i love this. :)
inkuseitor chapter 9 . 1/25/2012
Oh, he's jealous! Story would be fine, if you'd have developed why Haru refused to take Hayato seriously. Is it revenge? Or some kind of self-protection? Hn. That would have added a thousand words to the chapter, but flashback would be nice.
wait for your leisure time chapter 9 . 1/22/2012
aaargh, i hate bad ending! :/
inkuseitor chapter 8 . 1/11/2012
T_T whyyyyyy?
Oh perilous world chapter 7 . 9/23/2011
I loved this chapter the best. It was so showed the badass part of Hayato and also the sweet and loving side of him to. The part where Gokudera shot the bad guy and how he cradled Haru. It makes me want to draw this scene.
inkuseitor chapter 7 . 9/18/2011
3 thank you for this one, too
Oh perilous world chapter 6 . 8/22/2011
AWWWWWWW, this one was REALLY sweet. I think this is the real side of Gokudera. One that is kind and caring. The story just means that he'd go through anything for Haru. I swear, if my car broke down, I'd just cancel my date. Gokudera must really love Haru. This pair is so CUTE and awesome, that Amano should just make it cannon already. I loved how you made Gokudera all charming and sweet in this, but also keeping to his personality. Like when he yelled at the Russian Driver, which by the way was a complete ass, and how he would totally steal some little kids bike. HAHAH priceless. I though at the end when I was reading that they were going know...sleep together, but the way you ended was much more practical. Maybe it's just that I love Goku/Haru so much my mind is exploding with them making out.
Oh perilous world chapter 5 . 8/19/2011
I am going to have to tell you my whole day...

I saw that you updated yesterday and I wanted so BAD to read it right then, but I had stupid school. And since I hate school so bad, I decided to save reading it till I got back. (It was Friday by the way) So the only thing that kept me from dying of boredom at school was thinking about getting home and reading the newest chapter of 'Tales of Maroon'. (I was really giddy that day)

I love this song by the way. I love reading about Goku/Haru's marriage. It's funny actually, seeing how wonderful Kyoko and Tsuna's marriage is and then looking at Gokudera and Haru's, and how complicated it is. I love how Ryohei acts like and older brother to Gokudera giving him advice about hahah 'Women'. I also love the little arguments Yamamoto starts with him, somethings never change. "Yamamoto followed, looking a tad bit confused." Hahaha, I LOVE this part, I totally pictured a chibi scene with Haru flying up like a kite while Gokudera dragging her away from Yamamoto and Yamamoto following close behind them, with a smile and his face like a puppy. "You heard the lady! Don't worry. I'll teach you right!" GOD, LOL much.

-Wow, long review, I have to say this is my favorite chapter so far. PLEASE update soon!
puripri chapter 5 . 8/19/2011
very good these stories, I hope more.
Oh perilous world chapter 4 . 8/14/2011
I also look forward to another chapter in the 'Tales Of Maroon' It's hard to find good oneshots of Goku/Haru, but I have to say I am loving everything single thing that comes out of your head. I loved the part where Gokudera shouted "She's not wasting her time" That was the icing on the cake, I loved it. Keep up the awesome work.
AbandonWolf3 chapter 3 . 8/13/2011
I love Maroon 5, their songs Misery and Never Gonna Leave This Bed. You did a nice job doing this~ I hope you could write more in the future~
murka chapter 3 . 8/12/2011
This fict is soo amazing! Fave!
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