Reviews for Painting the Past
Guest chapter 15 . 7/8/2019
I ship Aloisa and Mikhail.
Diana Huntress Pines chapter 19 . 8/15/2017
Hey! I just wanted to tell you that I love your writing! The world you've built is amazing and no matter what you day all the characters are on point. Great work!
(I also tried to send you an email but the address wouldn't work) LOVE THIS!
littleO33MOUSE chapter 9 . 7/11/2017
"Nothing to fear with two (awesome, but not as awesome as me!) Packs of beer!"

-The Awesome Prussia; Gilbert. B.
digiwouder chapter 13 . 12/1/2016
?zz Zacha?x ?x?x?xxxxx ?
Polly Little chapter 5 . 9/12/2016
Oh, wow, Gilbert. That was... that was a really hard mistake to make.
Polly Little chapter 2 . 9/12/2016
So those three are going back to Cold War era who knows where? This is going to end badly...
Polly Little chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
Look on the bright side, Evangelineat least you didn't have to sit through your dad flirting with your classmates. I think you're also becoming my favourite character.
ElectricAngel chapter 2 . 8/19/2015
I must say, you're right: German does have some long words for short English ones. They don't use separate adjectives- just stringing the onto one huge word. It's frustrating!

I apologize for my rant. (Never!)
TheGodOfWeirdness chapter 19 . 8/8/2015
TheGodOfWeirdness chapter 12 . 8/6/2015
"At a time like this" I will always see that phrasing in that situation now. It's totally your fault if I laugh in class! Or Russia's.
TheGodOfWeirdness chapter 11 . 8/6/2015
TheGodOfWeirdness chapter 2 . 8/5/2015
Yup cause of hestia and all the greek gods in general, might help with Kronos as well
Guest chapter 19 . 2/9/2015
Oh I love this so much XD I adore Alec X Adrian but what about Mikhail X Aloisa I keep seeing something their...In the last story it didn't take much time at all for Alec and Adrian to get together, unless your not planning to do Mikhail X Aloisa.

But anyway this was fantastic! I just wish their were more good nations with kids fanfics though their are some okay ones but not as good as this.

I don't do many gender swap type of things but their was something about this I liked, male or not I do usually tend to refure to the uke/Bottom nations as 'mommies' anyway XD

I just wish their were more family moments between parents and the kids
I love your OC's so much (I would snuggle them all)(Just Evangiline and the kids though) I wish it showed more family moment's with the parents and kids though.
neutralpigeons chapter 19 . 2/2/2014
its a great series really (i LOVE america & russia relationship), but i thought that in this story and some others (specifically Connecting the Dots and Sketching out Memories)that Alec gets in way to many obsessed stalker situations. i get hes really cute an all... but its kind annoying that there's always some wacko trying to "reel him in". Plus he always relies on Adrien to help him, also why not switch the situation up a bit and have adrien be the one thats hit on? so if your planning on writing anymore about this topic could u pls cut it down a bit. thx;D
WindyWords123 chapter 5 . 7/20/2013
Okay, so you know how America is super strong and Canada's basically invisible? I think Alec's 'special skill' is that literally everyone is attracted to him. Because, yeah, I get that he's pretty, but it's freaking 1960. Homosexuals aren't exactly commonly accepted. I think it's a little strange that two guys so far openly like him, even if he does look girlish.
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