Reviews for Blanket
RonScorpiusLover chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
This was really good! As a huge fan of R/H, I've had a hard time coping with the idea of Lavender not being a right bitch, yeah? I know that it sounds horribly mean but I just couldn't for a long time. But with stories like this, I'm falling even more in love with this couple!

Just a stylistic thing, I notice that you don't use a lot of contractions and sometimes (especially when they're talking), the words seem a little too halting. So yeah, if you maybe use more contractions, the sentences would flow better. Otherwise, great job!

Now for that cookie...
iNagare chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
This was really nice and cute. :)
kelsey chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
definitely a good plot idea. my one complaint is that you don't use contractions. (i.e. don't, won't, can't - you use cannot, do not, will not, etc.) you're only not supposed to use contractions in formal writings such as essays. in this sort of thing, you should use it because it makes your story flow more and your story seems a bit stilted and forced w/o them. but great plot idea and i love these two characters together, especially after the seventh book.
skylight12 chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
I absolutely loved this! It was amazing, well written, and a nice take on what Lavender's life was like after the final battle! And ya can't help but love Seamus!
StudentofDust chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
Wow that was awesome. :) I never thought of this particular pairing, but I definitely do now :) Keep up the excellent work!