Reviews for Just For You
satoz chapter 12 . 8/26/2013
:) that was a nice ending. Enjoyed it a lot, kinda wish I saw a little bit more or Rory's side, but since this is mostly about Jess and Luke, that's fine
satoz chapter 6 . 8/26/2013
damn, wish there was a real scene from gilmore girls where jess met doula :( might've been cute
satoz chapter 5 . 8/26/2013
satoz chapter 3 . 8/25/2013
o.o got the gist of what cerebral aneurysm was, but looked it up anyways. _ ; hope Luke doesn't die...that'd be a really weird Jess/Luke fic that doesn't have tragedy as part of the genre
satoz chapter 2 . 8/25/2013
._. *facepalm* Liz fail lol xD but I can kinda vaguely understand why she'd want to tell Jess in on Jess's part too haha

...I know I said I'd go to bed...but it hooked me...
satoz chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
aww, that was a cute phone call :)
Keiko Noriko chapter 12 . 5/11/2011
Heyyy girl! I'm so sorry it took me so long to review your story, life's been crazy lately. I'm so sad it's over. Really (

But I just love how it ends up, it's really end-ish, and I love that we get to see how things turned out.

Like someone else said, maybe her break up with Logan was a little abrupt, but I'm glad that she's the one to break up because it was the right thing to do (in my opinion it took too long for them to break up LOL.

And AWWW Jess and Doula, I'm sure Jess would make a terrific older brother.

Also, I couldn't say it before, but I'm really sorry for your uncle, I hope things are better for you and your family now.

Well, I hope you write GG soon :) and congrats for finishing your story, feels great, doesn't it?
Iscah McKrae chapter 12 . 5/11/2011
I'm glad that I waited to review until my second-read of this chapter. I appreciated it so much more thoroughly the second time around.

Naturally, Lorelai would want to take care of Luke, and in the long run, that would heal their relationship better than anything else. And, that is the one way Jess would be okay with leaving him, though I'm very glad he stayed two more weeks to help him settle in. Yeah...he just would.

I loved the description of the two of them sitting together watching the Twilight Zone and Outer Limits/reading. It's perfect. It illustrates the comfort level the two of them have with one another, even after everything that's happened. And I love that Jess wants to be close to Luke, not off in the other room, writing.

It kinda choked me up to imagine Jess cutting up Luke's food for him. And, I loved that Luke was falling in love with Lorelai all over again by listening to her animated rambling about the minutia of her everyday life.

Another little awww for Jess wanting to be able to cook for someone...Liz not letting him. Then a bigger awwww when he's able to cook Christmas dinner...because Luke can't. And, the baseball cap...*sniff*...I love the fact that Jess couldn't take seeing him so long without it.

I'm glad that Rory finally, FINALLY had the guts to break off a relationship because it was the right thing to do. That was the reason she kept doing the "go off to see/kiss Jess while I'm with Dean," "go off to see/kiss Jess while I'm with Logan" thing! She couldn't get up the nerve/get things clear enough in her mind to admit it was Jess that she loved and that she NEEDED to break off the other relationship. Bravo!

I could visualize so clearly that eyebrow raise/smile between Jess and Luke while the girls embraced enthusiastically. Perfect moment. Yeah...less touchy-feely, but just as sweet.

It's awesome that Luke decides to reopen the diner as soon as he's able to walk. That's Luke. And, the walk/dance through the snow with Rory teasing Jess about being too cool for gloves...they are a happy, if completely untraditional family. :)

Cool little sparkly tidbit that you have Jess write out the new special...again.

This whole chapter is marvelous, but I think the last paragraph may need some further tweaking/polishing. It felt a little clipped and forced. And the sentence beginning with "Then he thinks about Rory," made me a little dizzy trying to figure out who was happy for whom about what. I love the general sentiment that they're both proud of how far the other has come in life, but it feels like you should elaborate a little more about what they're proud of, give it richer detail. Just a thought.

This story is something to be proud of. I've really enjoyed the journey, and eagerly look forward to reading your future Gilmore-fics. :)
RaynasBlueSkies chapter 12 . 5/11/2011
Aww it's so sweet, the ending made me tear up a bit:D I love that you took the time to make every step of Luke's recovery believable, that made this final chapter so amazing. And it was nice to hear what everyone was up to 4 years later. Such a perfect ending!
TKGGgirl chapter 12 . 5/8/2011
Weird Al? Really? Did they call Al's that? When was this? Lol, sorry random but I noticed that.

It's a very cute story and I like that you fastfowarded to 2010 so we can see the "where are they now?" aspect. Lol, at Kwan and Steve taking classes at Miss Patty's. Sorry but all I can think of when I think of Miss Patty's is little girls in pink tutus.

Oh and do they really go and start making business calls at Luke's on Christmas Day? Lol.

The whole breakup with Logan seemed a little rushed but I think that's probably because throughout the series Rory was physically incapable of breaking up with anyone...EVER. Dean the 1st time-Dean, Dean the 2nd time-Dean, Jess-Jess, Dean the 3rd time-Dean, Logan-Logan. I mean she did quasi-breakup with Logan after the bridesmaids incident but I don't know she was never able to just decide she didn't "feel that way" about someone anymore and end it. I like that in the story she does, though. Makes her a little less annoying, honestly. Lol!

Anyway great job on your first fanfic! I look forward to more!
RaynasBlueSkies chapter 11 . 5/3/2011
Yayy so we'll get the big finale soon:D I would have never imagined Jess running the diner but now I can after what is happening to Luke. Great chapter:) And so sorry to hear about your uncle, that was such a weird and creepy coincidence o_O
TKGGgirl chapter 11 . 5/1/2011
Great chapter! Very interesting. What about Luke's? Because as Jess said he can do his writing wherever he is but it takes alot to run Luke's. Hmm, very interesting. I'm excited to see how you end the story, though I'm bummed that it'll only be one more chapter.

Sorry to hear about your uncle, it's horrible that it happened especially with the weird coincidence of the story and Luke being Jess' uncle, etc. Anyway, I hope everything is getting better.
radiate689 chapter 11 . 5/1/2011
great story so far
radiate689 chapter 10 . 5/1/2011
radiate689 chapter 9 . 5/1/2011
poor luke
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