Reviews for Flu Season
Blackcat chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
Nice story. I knew Break was going to get sick! I liked it a lot. /
LNFRARADIANT chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
I never knew that about Dodo! Kinda fits the name XD I love this story: cracky, yet touching: humorous, yet somewhat serious: fruity, yet tannic...sorry, got carried away. ;)
HeartWing3113 chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
Lol break doing chores and cooking well anyway it was cute,funny,creative and yea nice :)
TotalAlias chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
Lol, I was here looking at changes and additions to the character list, I just happened to look to the side and... "Oh look! She uploaded it!" XDD

Well I must say, what the heck is this?

Break is the funniest thing doing... *gasp* labor, and obviously not knowing a thing about it. Makes me wonder just what he DID while "serving" the Rainsworths (well, now it goes without saying that he 'served' Shelly).

Of course Rufus would give him the maid outfit. Perhaps that's how Break knew it was a setup adn refused to put in on in chapter 48, hmm?

Rufus was absolutely 100% IC. It was perfect, with him doing kind things, not because he liked to, but because of his principles. And Break's little Gil moment of "I don't deserve this" at the end... It all lines up perfectly.

"Well, I know that food cooks for a certain amount of time, but I have no idea how long it takes to cook anything. So I suppose if I cook things for varying amounts of time then something will turn out right." O.O Break, that is NOT how it works. But it was probably my favorite part. I wouldn't expect him to be so clueless at cooking, but he had been a knight before, there's no reason why he WOULD know how to cook.

And he didn't fail? Bravo, Xerxes, Bravo.

"That man smiles too much, it's weird. But at the same time, he seems…fairly benevolent. Still, perhaps I should have done a background check on him before allowing him to come here." Maybe it was this event that led him to research Break's past...

Reim was good too, although I'm not sure why I was surprised when he mentioned that he was thirteen. But that was accurate too, I'm just used to seeing him as an adult, I had to change my whole visual on that scene with the cake.

And I almost forgot to comment on the most important part of this fic: