Reviews for Perfect
ImpalaLove chapter 1 . 6/11/2018
This was so CREEPY. I love the ambiguity of it and it's funny to read the other reviews (of which there are certainly NOT enough, but still) and see the questions being asked- I feel like that's when you know you've succeeded in creating something terribly unsettling. And the idea that Dean would ever shoot Sam is terrifying by itself, but the picture you painted, juxtaposed with Sam's 'perfection' as whatever it is he's become along with the beauty of the morning is be ironic...perfect haha. Awesome job.
PersephoneQ chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
This is really cool, but I'm a bit confused. What exactly is Sam? Cool idea though, awesome take on the whole de-aged thing.
AliceAddams13 chapter 1 . 6/9/2011
Did he just shoot him? Why?

or did he shoot the evil shadow? Or both?

was the shadow his evil part? Aah I'm so confused!

lovely story, though.