Reviews for Splintering
LuvMeSumGlee chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
This really is a fantastic look into Puck's mind. I know that this was posted a long time ago and you've probably moved on to other stuff, but I really hope you continue it, because your writing is wonderful and I'd like to see you tackle the other Glee clubbers. Great job!
PteraWaters chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
Wow. Impressive. You're so far into Puck's head, it's amazing. Will you write him for the show? Seriously?

(P.S. I love that Buffy Episode)
Biting Moopie chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
Wow, you actually got me feeling some sympathy for Puck! And you explored his character in a way that will probably never happen on the show. He's an odd mix of vitriol and sincerity, isn't he? Great work, thank you so much for sharing!
Notmyrealname chapter 1 . 11/29/2010
This is one of the things that has made me maddest about this season: the complete LACK of Quick interaction. Hello, did you forget that you had a freaking baby together? And randomly deciding to rob an ATM? That's extreme, even for Puck. And of course, it is given no explanation whatsoever.

Thank god for fanfiction, especially when it's this wellwritten. This is exactly what being inside Puck's head would feel like. I can't wait to see your take on the rest of the characters.
SMichelleS chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Wow, I'm so glad I stumbled upon this fic! The show keeps hinting at something deeper going on with Puck and then it goes nowhere, so this was really satisfying. I'm not a Puck/Quinn shipper at all, precisely because their history is too painful, but I do believe he had genuine feelings for her and I'm frustrated by the lack of followup with them and with Beth. This was perfect and also darkly hilarious (the penis drawings!) as well as a great character study. And I loved the way you tied it in with the whole Kurt bullying issue and creatively brought in that specific scene of Karofsky hitting Kurt just as Puck turns the corner with Artie. The idea is inspired and I hope you do continue it.
Tayler chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
love this. but season 2 of glee is fucking pissing me off there has been no quinn and puck and sam and quinn just SUCKS. so did puck get into a car accident coz that would be a good start or a story for quinn to realise her feeling for puck.
KNtron chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
wow! With Glee, it's been a hard show for the Quick shippers. Often every week, I wait for some sort of interaction between them or just anything at all to show that they didn't forget each other or Beth or Puck saying i love you for probably the first time ever instead, there's often nothing and I kinda gave up hope and moved onto Sam&Quinn. But this story reminds me all of that exists and the Quick shipper in me is alive again. Very well done, the angst and pain of Puck is conveyed beautifully and so are the rare soft caring moments. It made me laugh how he was a bad Jew with the bacon. Hope for more Quick stories from you!
n2aabmmummy chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
Though i've lost faith in Puck and am a massive Sam/Quinn shipper, i love the way you managed to convey his pain and his feelings for Quinn. Great work! More and soon, please. :-)