Reviews for that's worth fighting for
UESider84 chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
A very beautiful and heartfelt story.

The description of Quinn's face when Puck introduces her to Nana was perfect. I actually see her doing it!

Great job and I hope you write more about them.
Little Lost Penny chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Can we please send this to Ryan Murphy as a thanksgiving gift? can we? He could really use it!

ktsm10 chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
You are seriously awesome

and I'm pumped to find out you have a tumblr!

Meiran Chang chapter 1 . 11/25/2010
A Puck/Quinn story! YES! one that's well-written! YES! one that encompasses the bitterness and hurt and weariness they've both caused one another! YES! and one where they find their way back to one another. YES, DAMNIT, YES. This is beautifully written, too, a perfect slice of time, two lonely people being not-lonely together. I love the line about the clock rewinding so much, and the la-di-das actually fit really well, especially as the last line- gives this air to it of inevitability that I really like... ugh, magnificent. I don't follow fic tumblrs so I hope you keep posting on FFN. author, fav. It's funny, I actually JUST posted a Puck-POV heavy-Quick piece- is Thanksgiving the season for Quick? XD Thanks for this.