Reviews for Internecine
aurora0914 chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
This was... OMG! SQUEEEEE! PLZ make a sequel! Nastsume's revenge!
Alyx Hawthorne chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Thats good. :) May i ask what is AU or OOC? Thanks!
BunnyBeeHoneyBee chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
Damn, that was freaking hot. like seriously you should write more of these you know "foreplay type things", and believe me when I tell you, you got talent I'm a girl and this was like incredibly sexy loved it. Bottom line make more this left me craving a big stiff dick! Haha, well yeah hope this review didn't freak you out...
foudroyant chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
Its a great story and also unique , because most of the M ratings for gakuen alice especially for natsume and mikan.. Yeaah, natsume is the one who has always gone wild XD .. I was hoping that i can found a story which mikan is the one who is taking control over natsume XD (**)

yue679 chapter 1 . 8/26/2011
Oh my gosh! this is SO good. It's my second time reading it haha i forgot how good it was. I was pretty sure I had reviewed this story already but apparently not..weird.

It's very well-written and I don't think that the character are OCC at all. I mean, Mikan IS way older than a lil 10 year old so I think that fits her very well. Also, I feel like Natsume was perfect. Letting himself get tied up because he "likes" what Mikan's doing at first, but then when he can't take it anymore he tries to "command" Mikan to, well, you know, suck his dick hahaha so that's where the dominant Natsume we all know and love appears. Though, I am not saying that a dominant Mikan wasn't awesome becuase she was!

Keep up the awesome naughty stories!

Going to profile now to see what else you have lol


o0Che0o chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Oh, i liked it. I just wished your one-shot was a bit longer. [wigglyeyebrows~if you kno wht i mean~wigglyeyebrows] ~_~
Bane Flower chapter 1 . 6/1/2011
Oooooohh! Please update! I love mikan's attitude here!' :))
Zia-sama chapter 1 . 3/22/2011
Of COURSE Hotaru would get it!

"It was only a matter of time, really." Sounds like something she's say.
Beautiful13 chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
Hahaha I love how evil mikan is to natsume. I actually like the idea of her getting revenge on him. I have one question, what did hotaru mean at the end and what happened when natsume called out mikan's name? Ok, this may be a very unintelligent question considering the possible answers for it that my mind does not think that has happened. Another thing, I like how this story is light and not heavy with sexual themes. It isn't bad but surely little children should not read this ( ha-ha). Note: I liked the small plot and the wording.

Friendly reviewer/ author,

nahia2008 chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
Wow thank you so much for a very decent written Gakuen Alice M fic , its hard to come across these.

Love the plot , its very interesting ,and so HOT!

get out and get wild chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
wow this is unexpected
Stara-chi chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
cool write a second chapter or sequal and make Natsume get revenge on her by making her want him while tied up. hmm but I dont think that Natsume will be able to not fuck her if he had a chance to.
cj-the-fool chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
i loved it this fic was awesome plz write something else too
The Fanfiction Writing Writer chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
The Little Hobbit chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
Omg...Mikan was so OC here, but I liked that. LOL, I like her version of getting revenge on Natsume. He was totally getting what he deserved. Besides, it's not like he wanted her to stop anyways ;)

I liked how you wrote this; everything just seemed to flow and I don't think that there were that many mistakes. Heck, I don't think there were any mistakes...well, you could say that I'm guilt because I really didn't pay attention to the mistakes (if there were any). See, your story was so good that I didn't pay heed to the mistakes :D

One last thing: while I was reading this it kinda reminded me of 30 Seconds to Mars version of Bad Romance.

Good job with this very spicy story. (Goodness, I feel so dirty-minded lol)

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