Reviews for True Courage
ClearMortality chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
That was a very beautiful line right there :) IN fact, it's so beautiful that I'm gonna quote it here: "because to be courageous, one does not have to brandish a sword or pull the trigger of a gun. One only has to think of others before himself. That in itself is the bravest thing anyone can do." I was just wondering if you made this yourself or if someone told it to you or you read it somewhere.

The story's really good. No wonder it was nominated twice for the Madrigal Awards! I hope your other stores are as nice and moving as this one. I was also wondering who the woman was... The only description you gave was that the woman had amber eyes, nothing else. I was also wondering if you could tell me how Amy died since I don't think you wrote it... or if you did, I might have missed it completely.

Anyways, it's really good and I hope you keep writing stories.
The Gone Angel chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
Awww! Holy crap that is sad! :O
levesques chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
I love this. It's so sad but then again Drama is the category...

~petitepurpleprincess :D
pennilee chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
Amazingly good. ;)
Kaye Nightshade chapter 1 . 4/24/2011

I can't believe I never saw this before! (Thanks Jamie, for recommending it ;))

This is very descriptive. This is very nice. Aw, thank penguins this isn't another typical cliche AmIan fic, (not that I hate it... I love AmIan!) It's Dan's turn to shine! ;)

This WILL go to my faves! (I rarely fave stories you know!)

This is very well-written, Jamie. I love it. COURAGE IS MY WORD FOR TODAY! :D

Long review short, this was very descriptive, I don't think I saw any errors. (I kind of can't see well in my computer screen when it's all stuck together and very small). You didn't hear me babble again. o.o Okay, this is really good!

Going to my faves CHECK! :)

Nice job! ;)

When penguins fly...

RageRunsStill chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
Wow, this is really good! Now that I think about it, this might already be on my favorites list... I forget. :p DARN ME AND MY SHORT ATTENTION SPAN!

But yeah, this is really good! *eyes widen* YOU SHOULD MAKE ANOTHER ONE WITH THE STARLINGS! *starts jumping around*

*Falls over* But I'm not sure how that would work...

President Snow chapter 1 . 3/5/2011
I loved it. :D Your description was great, and I could picture what was happening in my mind.

I didn't find any mistakes. Probably 'cause everyone else has already pointed them all out :)

A wonderful piece of writing. I teared up at some parts.

Syberian Quest chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Lovely story. :)

Just like I promised, I am leaving a review. And, just as you wanted, I shall only review your "good story." ;)

Since a million people have reviewed before me, they caught most of what I saw. Yes, there were a few awkward sentences (the part where you said "one of those stubborn most" sounded a bit odd), and some of the words that you used were a bit of an overkill. Still, the story itself was gorgeous. There was a ton of emotion, which is what really catches my eyes in a story. Also, I adored how you used Dan as the main character. He's not used enough.

Anyway, I hope that when you post your next story (it looks good so far!), I'll actually be able to tell you something that you don't already know.

Definitely deserved being nominated for the Madrigal Awards. I'll leave it at that. :)

Lapulta J.R.R. Cahill chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
This was very, very interesting. I enjoyed it. Through and through.

You pointed out some very interesting topics. I wrote an explaitory essay on courage, and - by all cherry jello - this would have fit right in there MUCH better than what I wrote.

The one thing I saw, was; "She didn't deserve life itself." For me, I would have put; "She doesn't deserve life itself." Since Dan is thinking that sentence.

That was really the only thing. Everything else was spectacular. I was amazed. Good job. Please, continue the good work.


P.S. You, Muse, Joyce, Wings, and Jo all help improve this degrading fandom with every fic you write. I can truly say; Please, CONTINUE WRITING! With every cell in my body. Keep up the good work. (Again.)
Queen Alexandera's Birdwing chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
Beautifully worded as ever. :D If there were any grammar mistakes, I missed them. I love how you make me BECOME the character. Keep writing.
TheRoseMirror chapter 1 . 12/20/2010

Dan really learns a lesson in here, doesn't he?

For some reason, the way he looks back on the relationship between him and Amy reminds me of two original Cahills- Katherine and Thomas.

Your grammer and spelling is great, and your word choice fits.

Only one thing: Isabel wouldn't be floundering about, I think. But that's it.
13Mysterious12 chapter 1 . 12/18/2010
Good job, Dan! I'm proud of him-well, you-for making him not giving Isabel a death sentence from the judge. It's a big step for him. I like this one-shot a lot!

I noticed one thing-in your third to last paragraph-line-thing, (whatever you want to call it), 'he was going against everything he has worked for.' The has should be changed to had.

Also you should avoid beginning sentences with conjunctions. I could care less about those, should avoid doing it. :P


Sun Daughter chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
Look how late this review is! I'm sorry, Jamie!

Wow. So... this is like, your best yet I think. I really do, it's amazing.

Your spelling and grammar all looks fine to me. Though some of the wording was slightly awkward, it all rolled together in the end. I can't find any examples right now, but it wasn't that big of a deal. The plotline itself seems a little cliche, but I think that you pulled it off nicely. The detail was GREAT. I mean, it was totally spot on. I couldn't have done a better job myself. Amazing job there.

The concept itself was wonderfully planned out. It looks like you thought about for a while and that every word you chose was for a purpose. A good purpose too. As I said before, this rolls together so nicely, and that's really hard to find these days with one shots similar to this. Most of them are choppy, but this isn't. I think that's the greatest quality of this.

Overall, exceptional job. I'm quite impressed, Jamie. You've really outdone yourself this time. But then again, when do you never not?

I look forward to reading more from you in the future.

Au revoir,

Fluffness chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
I loved the story. It was truely a masterpiece to read, and though I can't spot any cons at all, shamming my name as a reviewer, I just want to say that the message in the story was truely beautiful. I usually dislike angsty/sad type of stories, but just by already reading just the little summary and first paragraph, I already hungered for more of the story. It's really one of the bests I have read in this genre and well, practicly flawless. I enjoyed reading this very much, this being one of my firsts in the archive. Ummm, well, I don't know how to end this so, ummmmmmmmm... Yeah,let's just end this with a simple "this story was awesome."
Spring Sunrise chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
This is absoulutely amazing. Sigh. Why are the best fanfics the most depressing?

There's only one problem: the woman who killed Amy. She has amber eyes so she's a Kabra. She's a woman, so she's not Vikram or Ian. That leaves Isabel and Natalie. Isabel is in jail, but it doesn't seem like Natalie to kill Amy. Did Isabel escape?
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