Reviews for Déja Vu
barangurte chapter 1 . 4/24/2019
Bless you, Ruth Evans
Pilut chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
I've just discovered your fics and must say, you're really talented. And while you claimed that your brain wasn't at its best when writing this, I see no flaws in language or expression.

You created a very dense story there that conveys Olivia's emotions very well. Thanx a lot for writing and sharing!
FrozenSoldier chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
It feels strange to go all the way back to a S3 episode, but I liked it! It makes me think of the scene with Alt!Broyles. She was just so vulnerable...
Nyxia chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
Bonjour toi ! :)

J'ai vu que tu étais francaise dans ton profil, alors je me permets de te laisser ma review dans cette langue ;)

Je dois dire que c'est la première fic que je lis de toi, mais j'ai vu que tu en avais écrit un tas d'autres, alors je cours les lire tout de suite après ! :)

Aaaww pauvre Olivia! :( Poor baby !

Well, je trouve que ton style est absolument FLAWLESS, et que tu te débrouilles merveilleusement bien dans cette langue! - En fait, je suis vraiment jalouse *lol* Je peux lire en anglais, anytime, mais écrire! 0.o Je maitrises pas encore assez la langue pour ça ! - Peut être que je m'essaierai à traduire une de mes fics un jour, qui sait! lol-

Mais bon, tout ça pour te dire que tu as écriture impeccable, et que je déteste plus que tout au monde voir ma belle Liv souffrir ainsi ! C'est pas humain! Je voudrais lui faire un éternel hug! lol

Donc, je cours lire tes autres little pieces of art ! :D

Bonne journée à toi et au plaisir !

Nessaja chapter 1 . 10/27/2011
Hey Ambre,

I am just catching up with your fics and i have to say you are sooooo talented. I love all of your fringe stories!

they bring me through to week while i am longing for the next episode ...

This one is really really wonderful, your style is perfect so i can feel what olivia feels and i am just speechless!

marifreica chapter 1 . 6/22/2011
AW! Thank God this is the last of your fics (the ones I didn't know existed, of course).

And this is one of those... When she's missing him a lot and there's this whole bunch of feeling that you write like you've lost someone and miss him too. Did you, Ambre?

GAH! Why are you like this?

Okay... it's over now!
alittlefringiemonster chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
I love this! Agh, totally believable. :D

Also, I left this as anon so you knew who it was. But I'll sign in next time; my pen name is xXCarrinaXx :D
Viktorija chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
I loved it, Ambre!
teenspiritsmell chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
I love how you got into the head of Olivia for this episode! I think it was really accurate in describing some of her feelings, and it hit's the nail right on the head. Good job! (:
Sic Vita Est chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
Great one-shot. :)
bandwitch chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
Ohh, this is fantastic! You got into Liv's head reaaally well. And the ending was awesome :D
Morganel chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
The only thing keeping me alive is the suspence! I might die reguardless! Why do they have so many breaks! You're fic is great! I like the name you gave to the cleaning lady. I hope Peter shows some emotion (besides anger) when he finally proves that its faulivia over here and I hope Walter smacks her phony self. Great fic!
loneguppy chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
Déjà vu is very appropriate. Back to square one. Nice insightful piece to set up for what comes next.
Queen Tigeress chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
poor olivia, this epi nearly killedddd me, and the fact that the lady actually called peter only helped a little. he's just gotta go save her! this is a well written piece, especially for it being written in the middle of the night :P
Darkwing333 chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
I like the next step you gave the plot line. Very compelling!
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