Reviews for A Tempting Treat chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
This is hilarious and adorable. You write Spock so well... :)
ShamelessSpocker chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
I am a sucker for Spock-centric stories. I liked this one; Spock having to endure more crazy human requests always amuses me. It would be weird to have never eaten an orange, and your writing made me think about it long and hard. You did an excellent job with your descriptions. Overall just outstanding work.
T'Manda chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Frick. Now I really want an orange. I hate you.

But on the bright side I love this!

But I have a feeling it's constantly going to make me hungry...

SparklyLalala chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Your fetish has left me gaping, panting and wanting more of the story...and an orange :D. I swear, eating it will never be the same again, from now on it will always conjure image of Spock eating it. Bloody well done :D :applause: