Reviews for Another Time, Another Place
Aileil chapter 1 . 9/26/2018
This is a beautiful work. Thank you very much for this touching reunion between the two men who kept Stalag 13 running in their unique ways. And thank you for the pleasant manner in which they meet. Sometimes a little emotional stability is very valuable and this story was like a little written pat on the back to me. I like the idea of these types of coincidental meeting between people who haven't met in a while. It's...comforting in a way. Ta.
booey875 chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
This is exquisite and such a great idea. I know this story is old but I have read it many times without having the time to comment it on it until now. I really like the fact that Hogan found time to talk to him after the war. The part about Klink getting into the antique business was extremely funny.

If you ever get an idea of making a sequel or follow up to this story, please write it! :D
janna12 chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Just discovered this lovely story and wanted to thank you for writing it.
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
Liked this.
Pockets chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
I just discovered this little gem (yeah, I've been living under a rock) and I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed reading it. I love the awkwardness between the two men, but also knowing the history that is the "elephant in the room" which makes them...companions(?) by default. You created believable characters in a beliveable setting.
Thanks for writing!
DarthRoden76 chapter 1 . 12/17/2014
Very well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
LittleMissSpitfire chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
What a great story! It's very well written; I loved every word of it. I enjoy Klink and Hogan friendship stories, and this was one of the very best. Probably the best. :)
SaraiEsq chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
This was nicely done. Quite introspective.
angorianwolf chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
This is wonderfully written. I've always thought the post war dynamics would be interesting between them and you did a great job!

If you ever wrote more of their interaction post war I'd love to read it!
Beloved Daughter chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
Really cool story! :) Thanks for writing and posting!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2013
I absolutely loved it. Because I honestly saw them as friends even during the war. They'd play chess together. When it came down to it, Klink and Schultz were good men on the wrong side. They didn't even wear swastikas. I loved loved loved loved this story. It was wonderful from beginning to end.
PBIceCream chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
Very nicely done (and I liked that little joke at the end), thank you!
Goldleaf83 chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
I just found this: what a lovely post-war story. The title is a perfect fit. The post-war careers of both Klink and Hogan seem likely (also the ones Hogan mentions for his men). The relationship between them as you cast it seems entirely plausible: I can see Hogan making the first overture through the gift of the drink, then when it's accepted following it up with a visit. The conversation goes along predictable lines, both in what they say and don't say: that's what makes it so convincing. You capture the essence of the change in their relationship in the story at this point: "Their dynamic had changed. It was no longer German vs. American, Good vs. Bad, Crafty vs. Oblivious. They were just two men, two veterans, discussing the same war that had enveloped their lives for so long. . . . These men who, at one point, were bothered and aggravated by each other to no end, now actually shared a sense of affection. They had the same experiences, experiences which could never fully be realized by anyone else in the world, and this surprisingly caused a sort of kinship between them. Both men felt it, and both were equally astonished by it." And I loved the metaphor in the previous paragraph: ". It was like breaking two ice cubes apart from one another, waiting for them to melt halfway, and the trying to combine them together again." Good story throughout, in its characterization and exploration of the two men's relationship in the historical moment of the setting.
Kirarakim chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
I am a little late in discovering this but this was such a wonderful touching story! I don't usually like post war stories but I loved what you did with the characters here.
konarciq chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Very poignant tale. Quite possible, too. Excellent writing. Pity the guys called him back, that way ending the story...
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