Reviews for Till There Was You
shai'lo chapter 10 . 9/3/2015
I loved you're story it was the BOMB
d-kronk chapter 10 . 2/16/2014
I really like this epilogue. I love the idea that Derek had made a promise to adopt a child one day and that him and Penelope are taking that step. And Penelope's reasoning for the one she wanted to choose is just great. Wonderful job. I just adored this fic.
d-kronk chapter 9 . 2/16/2014
I really like this chapter. Their teasing is great and the care they have for each other just shows so much in this. I love that even in their sleep they are drawn to each other.
d-kronk chapter 8 . 2/16/2014
I really like this. Penelope's panic at not knowing where Derek was is great and I really like her reaction when Derek but her head off during the case. Not being mad but hurting for him and his sorrow. I love her whispering to him that she wants to stay with him.
d-kronk chapter 7 . 2/16/2014
Wonderful. I'm glad they finally talked about what they want. And I love Penelope making Derek tell her what he wants, and that she had left Kevin that first night. I really like how easy/natural everything is with them.
d-kronk chapter 6 . 2/16/2014
I love her phone call to Derek... and really he should know to not put her on speaker. ;-) Derek's confrontation with Kevin in the hallway... I like it, I'm just hoping it ends there and Kevin doesn't do something stupid. And I love Penelope's response to what for dessert.
d-kronk chapter 5 . 2/16/2014
Another great chapter. I am really loving this fic. I love their little conversation about who kissed who first. And then their entire flirty conversation at dinner, helping Penelope put aside all the fighting over the last few days is great. And the kiss, again. Wonderful. I love her reaction, hopefully she is alright to drive home after that kiss. :-)
d-kronk chapter 4 . 2/16/2014
I'm glad that Derek didn't leave for the night without stopping to see Penelope and love that even with all of their mixed up emotions they were still able to flirt. I like that they are talking and even if they haven't said what it is they are feeling they both know they need to talk and aren't ignoring what happened. A seventeen hour fight is horrible, I love Derek wanting to talk to Kevin but listening to Penelope when she said not to. And the end is just great, I love her going to Derek.
d-kronk chapter 3 . 2/16/2014
I really love the touch of angst in this chapter. Derek's thoughts are great. And I love Penelope being the one to lace their fingers together. Hopefully they get the chance to talk about what happened and they both don't try and hide from it. I love the touch of levity with Rossi passing back the napkin. :-)
d-kronk chapter 2 . 2/16/2014
This is great! I love everyone's nonchalance at catching the two of them, and just letting them continue. All of the teams lines are great and I'm glad they let them continue their moment.
d-kronk chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
I love Derek's first reaction to Penelope, his instant attraction even though he had only seen her from behind. I really like how you played all of that into what happened in the episode, it worked great. And that scene in Alaska really needed the kiss. I'm glad you let them have it.
cmchick09 chapter 10 . 8/4/2012
I absolutely loved this! Really great!
went chapter 2 . 7/20/2012
"Why me?" Reid whined. "I'm not good with gardening tools."

made me lol reid would so say this :)
newnaless chapter 10 . 7/1/2012
I love the thought of the 17year old. Just great
newnaless chapter 2 . 7/1/2012
Hotch said "If they don't get in here in five minutes, Reid, you're turning the hose on them."

"Why me?" Reid whined. "I'm not good with gardening tools."

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