Reviews for Crash and Burn
Hi chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
This is great. It made me cry a but at the end. It's a really good story
McflyNiffDaveFrancoFan chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
Gees. Make me cry why don't ya? I loved it! I always pictured Denny and Ace being together before Denny's death
Great job!
paper-star-paper-cup chapter 1 . 2/13/2011


I have seen Stand By Me more times than the sun has risen, and although I ship Gordie/Chris like there's no freaking tomorrow, it never occurred to me to put Ace and Denny together.

This is... it's like God was made into a pixelated story and put on a website.

Well written, wonderful grammar, and beautiful concept. It's so sad but so lovely, and I love how you played Denny's death and Ace's stubborness into the story. Absolutely wonderful. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that the only Ace/Denny story here is an amazing one.

Lovely lovely lovely.


sorrow and bleus chapter 1 . 12/1/2010
Wow, this is really interesting-probably the first time I've read a Denny slash. Cool though, a nice thought. I like the way that Ace is sort of battling himself...the way that he wants people to see him and the way that he actually is.

Alot of people, I think, are afraid to venture out of the sort of "norm" of a GordiexChris slash, if they're gonna write a slash for SBM, and that is really limiting. I like your take on things. It's refreshingly different.

There were a couple of confusing parts I had in here-like I didn't really know when that whole Ace and Gordie encounter was supposed to have happened. Also, I'll admit, I was sort of expecting something about how Ace took Denny's baseball cap from Gordie-like maybe how it looked like he was being mean, but he just wanted that hat...Idk. I mean, he did give it to Eyeball, after all, so...

But anywho. Sorry if I ranted a little bit there :)

Good job!
MadHatter2708 chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
Oh, this is so good! I love it - especially the last line, that packs a punch.

I really like how you describe Ace's feelings, and Denny's determination to see good in him.

Very well done! (: