Reviews for Rebel Like You
The Good Girl chapter 24 . 6/6
I know this story was written truly ages ago, but I just have to sayabout once a year I come back to re-read it and fall more in love with it every time.

Just thank you for the words and the story. It’s such a comfort in these dark times.

Onto re reading On What Grounds!
The Amol chapter 24 . 5/14/2019
I have never been really G/M shipper and probably never will be but I liked this story.
You stayed true to their characters. You didn't insult their hardships by portraying them a petty horny teenagers who can't think beyond who they want to bone. I like that. Romance is not a bad thing when it does correctly. I see many authors focusing so much on romance that it starts to feel cheap.
So overall good story.
Guest chapter 24 . 4/17/2019
the angst, THE ANGST! so wonderfully written, and i felt all their frustration as though it was mine. loved how it fits in to cannon while giving us something better because yes, Gale really does deserve better and poor poor Madge was more than the naive mayor’s daughter. loved mayor undersee too! can’t wait to read the sequel!
Guest chapter 24 . 8/21/2018
Ok...this story was fantastic! I am totally sold on Gadge now. I loved it...until the end when I realized it was going canon and I just about had a heart attack. Then I still loved it...but freaked out. I've never ever been so relieved by or interested in an author's note as when I read that there's an AU sequel. (Dance if joy!)
You really did an amazing job with this story...intrigue, adventure, family, romance, jealousy, angst,! Thank you...thank you! I'm off to read the sequel...
ireadtoomuch96 chapter 23 . 5/20/2017
Came back for a reread! Still just as amazing as ever. Still just as sad in the end! Loved it just as much as the first time around!
Anon chapter 24 . 1/11/2017
Recently re-read this. Still one of the best fics in this fandom
ireadtoomuch96 chapter 24 . 9/25/2016
I'm just a big sobbing mess no big deal...

Like, I expected a Canon kind of ending and I actually imagined it myself along this story because I'm also a sucker for angst but I was not prepared FOR HOW MUCH I'D ACTUALLY BE CRYING. THANK YOU. YOUR WRITING IS WONDERFUL AND I LOVED IT. I NEED AFTERMATH LIVE GADGE THOUGH. I NEED GALE'S IMAGINES OF 13 TOGETHER WITH MADGE TO BE ACTUAL CANON. OR STORY FORM. Oh man I hurt everywhere.
XloveXconquersXallX chapter 24 . 6/14/2015
your work is phenomenal. i feel like i'm reading the books. your writing style matches suzanne collins' perfectly- totally dramatic with hints of dry humor as comif relief. this story has become fact for me. there is no other way i can imagine gale and madge. great great job!
armsoftheoceans chapter 24 . 6/8/2015
dude. how have i never read this before. I literally am a weeping mess. this is fantastic and rebellious madge is the best madge and gale ugh gale my sweet boy ugh this is fabulous
TLWtlw chapter 24 . 12/19/2014
This is an amazing story and an amazing series.
DreamShadow22452 chapter 24 . 8/26/2014
I never quite understood what everyone saw in Gadge until I read this amazing fic. Thank you for introducing me to the ship, and keep up the good work!
Live Write Love chapter 24 . 5/28/2014
I read this a couple of eyes ago but had completely forgotten about it! Now I remember how touching and good it was, and I can't wait to read On What Grounds.
Noelle Bronte chapter 24 . 3/2/2014
Great fic, I so love a good Gadge! the characters' reactions are very believable and I thoroughly enjoyed the political aspects which were very accurate, I will read the sequel right away :)
Guest chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
i love it very much she make other boks
beginners chapter 1 . 10/6/2013
again, i love how to delve into the plot and truly serve it justice. Everything is perfect and meticulously executed.
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