Reviews for Don't Stand So Close to Me
Guest chapter 26 . 6/27
Are you going to finish this eventually in the future?
glowymani chapter 26 . 5/17
NOOOO pls come back I need closure!
Aaliyah92 chapter 26 . 5/5
After several years I decided to re-read this fic and ahh it is so good! Gutted that you never ended up finishing. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed this. And if you ever decide to come back I'll be here for it!
Lady katara chapter 26 . 4/28
What's the most pissed and f*cked up line you've heard in your entire life?

" K and Z finally have sex that had been kept Disturbed in a f*cked up way(and seemed like ages to wait) little stilletobitch came and Disturbed the fluff, arrested her and took her to her hq, while zuko went home. Which he recently discovered that his psychosis escaped and unceremoniously wiped his prelove-fluff emotion , that really smashed my cloud 9 tide and dragged me down to depressive hell. That amplified tenfold when the said "psychosis" shot him in the-idonnowherebutibet"itsacrucialplace"-then she ask, 'wanna play a game, brother?' then...


Yep, the feeling that I've read that depressing part, then suddenly at the author's note, a MERRY CHRISTMAS greeted me...yeah... That's fun...


Don't mind the "stupid me", I like your writing. Great at making the characters feel more like themselves, especially when you included their roles on the real story as their past. You know like they've reincarnated or something. It's great!? I would give you two thumbs up, but I'm putting one down cause I's...not done...

Curse all that undone works! it really SUCKSSS! Seriously!

So plsss, .
Ruby killer chapter 20 . 10/21/2018
This is amazing it looks like you abandoned it which is really sad I will just die on the this cilf hanger you left but your an amazing writer
rosebelikov.rosemalfoy.4ever chapter 26 . 10/17/2018
eep. I hope you finish this!
ivysparky chapter 26 . 3/4/2017
This story is HORRIFICALLY TERIFIC! dude u r DOPE. no author has ever pulled at my heartstrings like u have.i like the plot the darkness and the romance. i like how you've written zuko's sentimental past. and jets death was sad... in a good A BOW!* Please i beg you finish the story!
Guest chapter 26 . 11/19/2016
When would you continue this?! This fanfic is one of my fave top three now pls come back to it when you have the time I'd love for this to have a happy ending eventually..
nategoat chapter 26 . 4/28/2016
You got me at the edge if my bed there. I love that cliffhanger but I would really like to know what happens next because girl you got me hooked.
BendingDreams chapter 26 . 10/29/2015
Holly crap! You seriously stopped there! I am practically freaking out right now! Please come back and finish this story it is amazing! I want to cry, it's that good!
Georgiraffe09 chapter 26 . 10/15/2015
I really enjoy this story and hope you decide to finish it! Modern AUs are awesome and you have a lot of cool stuff going on. Can't wait to see what happens next!
deannamd chapter 26 . 9/15/2015
wow please update soon
Anon chapter 26 . 9/9/2015
Ah it's been hearly 2 years since you updated! Please update soon, even if it's one chapter as a rushed ending!

I need closure... :'(
Hopelesslylostfangirl chapter 26 . 8/27/2015
Nooooooo! Please come back to this and keep writing. Poor Zuko!
Kslamm chapter 18 . 5/23/2015
This is one of my favorite modern AU's and just like the rest of them, this one is unfinished
:( I like how you've written Katara. She's not whiny and always getting mad at Zuko for no reason. She's smart and actually knows what she wants. I hope you come back to this awesome story.
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