Reviews for Odds and Ends
Irelandblue chapter 10 . 2/18
That made me laugh out loud! Thank you for this chapter!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 57 . 1/27
Liked this chapter, and how it ended.
This isn't my first time reading this story!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 56 . 1/26
Wait, how can you break a shovel?
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 55 . 1/26
I like coloured Christmas lights waaaaaaaay more than the white ones.
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 54 . 11/7/2019
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh Finn! He's just so funny! Even the punching bag didn't like him!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 53 . 11/6/2019
On the eyes is the only good place that cucumbers should be as I DO! NOT! like them at all!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 52 . 11/5/2019
Haha! It's easier to see Finn as the, "rock" than Kurt because of Finn's size, but; rocks, like people are different sizes.
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 51 . 11/5/2019
Love Kurt's reaction to his sweater being tossed on to that car battery!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 27 . 2/22/2019
hahahahahaha! Awwwwwwwe! How I'd loooooooooove to have Finn sleeping in frount of my door!
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 49 . 9/30/2018
I have one word for Britney, and that's strange. Just plain strange.
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 46 . 9/30/2018
I've actually never eaten red vines.
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 44 . 9/30/2018
I'd love to have Finn/ Cory sleep with me!
But, where does it say in the script that Finn snores?
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 43 . 9/29/2018
Is Finn really short for Finnegan?
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 42 . 9/29/2018
Finn, can skip? Wow, he can do that with out breaking anything?
RachelBarbraBerry1994 chapter 39 . 9/29/2018
Finn never sang off-key in the show, but I could see him doing it if he didn't know the song very well.
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