Reviews for By The Numbers
Gravity012 chapter 50 . 5/8
Uuuuh... check over where you said renshaw wasn’t an expert at reading Na’vi expressions...I don’t think you meant for it to say the other thing at the beginning of that sentence.
Gravity012 chapter 11 . 5/4
Uuuuh, don’t know why, but it says here that Nadia said Khudoshin died... but Nadia isn’t present. Pretty sure you mean Sara.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/8/2018
Wait, SARA is Kalinkey? ? ? ! !
Kaery91 chapter 51 . 2/2/2013
Well... You did it once again. You created a simply wonderful piece of work.
There were some moments that surprised me, for example that Zhong got to be CEO of the RDA... Though that result should have been quite obvious. Such a character goes far in that line of work.
Anyway, I'm once more impressed by your skill and your ability to squeeze additional characters into existing story-lines like they were always there.
I can only repeat that I would not be able to express the loud answer to: 'What do you think of this?' here in a review, as I'm missing sound level, tone modulation and much more.
Xerxes2003 chapter 51 . 4/18/2011
That concludes the story of Sara. I must admit that if your other story didn't come out a few hours earlier, now, after finishing, I would be left with a very strong feeling that this story was somewhat cut short, what with the Renshaw's expedition and all. And I indeed had this feeling ever since the final chapter came out and I noticed it was the last one. But now I see that all that is a matter for another story...

So now all that is left is to say - thank you. I was an honour to follow one of your stories from the beginning to the end, as opposed to coming to the done thing or jumping on board in the middle. Cheers!
AndreyRUS chapter 51 . 4/18/2011
Greetings to you!

First of all I have to apologize for the lack of reviews from my side. Every time I started writing it something was breaking my train of thoughts, so I couldn't write something sensible. It is really a shame.

All those events, that have taken place in last chapters gave me a hope for the new turn of adventures. When I read about Zhong I was surprised to find him planning a new operation and usage of new avatars with permanent consciousness only increased the level of excitement.

"Hey, it's gonna be a new war!" - I thought, but something inside me was chanting with a tedious voice that I have a false hope. The discovery of Sarah's formula could give humans a great weapon against aborigines and the deity herself. May be it could even solve the problem with ecology on Earth. Still, humanity was very unlucky to have Zhong keeping the secret of those equations. You finished the story, leaving us with exciting cliffhanger :)

And now... now this story is over. Some of my old review might have been unpleasant to you, or even seem to be ignorant. I can't change them now, as I can't change my pro-human point of view. But I must say, that it was a great pleasure to read your story.

Thank you for the opportunity to dive into the world of imagination, for hours of pleasant reading and for all those discussions we have had. You're really a great writer and I'll be looking forward for any your new stories.

Best regards, Andrey.
anders1972 chapter 51 . 4/17/2011
I am sad that there isn't any more chapters in this story, but I'm hoping You will write something more in this wonderful Avatar universe of Yours.

"I am real now"

It has been a such a journey for Sara-Kalinkey, and I like that it ended in happiness for her.

I will miss Sara and her numbers very much!

Thank You so much, for giving us, the readers, and me in particular, a story full of ups and downs, laughs and crys, happiness and sadness and most of all love!

Thank You!

skoedaddy chapter 50 . 4/15/2011
HOLY CRAP! I'm off of FF for a while and the whole story flips and dives into the Na'dia world! SWEET! I love that some old friends are comming back and the new chars. Looking forward to more great work from you. :)
natdrat00 chapter 49 . 4/11/2011
Great story.
Xerxes2003 chapter 47 . 4/7/2011
Wow, it seems the scope of this story will be much greater than what I imagined up until now. It will be interesting to see how you will manage to tread the narrow path set by your previous work, especially in relation to this new... bargaining chip of the RDA. The other perspectives could also prove quite interesting. I wonder if we will see it to the very end.

It was also somewhat satisfying to see Mo'at brought down a peg, especially because she's often quite a bitch in your stories.

Thank you for the updates! Looking forward to more.
liferefined chapter 47 . 4/7/2011
I'm really impressed with the way you've tied all of our stories together. I've thoroughly enjoyed the "Easter Egg" hunt that this experience has been. I greatly admire the vision you've cast for all of these multiple pieces. Keep up the superb plotting!
vanSnyder chapter 45 . 4/4/2011
Very well done, again. Some things from former stories are coming together now.

Sara could be a bit more feeling with her mate... he's indeed in a dark place.
carick of hunter moon chapter 44 . 3/22/2011
Your story is developing nicely and it is well written and therefore holds the read interest. It is well thought out and fun to read but what make it good is your take on Avatar by the creation of your own characters that are true to world of Avatar well done.
nased0 chapter 43 . 3/20/2011
It's a very good action chapter.

Keep going with this awesome fic!
AndreyRUS chapter 41 . 3/17/2011
Sorry for such a late review, I've barely had a minute to sit and write down my thoughts.

So, that first Blow of Mercy which Sarah has given to her teacher wasn't the last. The role of a healer is very suitable to her, but that primitive way of euthanasia gives goose bumps even to me. One must have a real steel balls to kill a child, even to give him peace and release from unbearable pain. This is a dark side of that... "profession".

I was surprised to see her willing to kill Grace's avatar. Despite her belonging to the human race, Grace has a strong love for na'vi. Just remember the way she spoke with Jake in the module at night when she told him about the tragedy near her former school. Look at her eyes when she pronounce "sa'nok". She loved them. It's a pity, that Sarah hasn't understood that while Grace was alive.

Great chapter, thank you!


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