Reviews for Vacation
meatballs in the impala chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
Well, after reading this piece of literature, I couldn't resist composing a review. Offhandedly, I'd say that this story was well-written and nice. But sincd this doesn't cover much ground, I'll spare you a few explanations.

First off, the thing I enjoyed the most was the theme. I rarely come across any Chris/Jill stories that aren't placed in the STARS era or in RE5. To say I was delighted about finding something placed in the anti-Umbrella years would be an understatement. So, your story was, first and foremost, original.

Another great aspect was the relationship between the duo. I love how Chris clearly states that just because they're partners, it doesn't mean that they have to be together in anything they do. Also, the way Jill states their relationship status. How they might have been something more than just partners and friends, if the whole deal in Raccoon had gone differently. I enjoyed how she chooses not to dwell on that, and focuses on the present instead.

Aaand, the most awesome part of the story: the creation-to-be of BSAA! I rather liked how you showed us the talking part of its foundation. I especially liked Chris' enthusiasm when he told Jill that something along the lines of whay they'd dreamed of had possibilities of coming to life.

Moreover, I have to say that you captured their exhaustion pretty well. The way Chris seemed content with just sitting on a couch and doing nothing was... well, for one, I can relate. Sometimes your life's so goddamn full and tiring that all you want is some time by yourself. To refuel those batteries and just think.

It's nice to think that they would get their well-needed vacation. Probably. Quite possibly not. But anyway! It was a great fic, and I think you have big potential. I'll be glad to read more stuff from you. :)
sophie623 chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
:P nice story again. Lol they should go on vacation together xD
girlinblue17 chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
Chuckled my way through the story. I love the way you wrote this story, especially the fact that you gave readers insights about the personality of the two.:)
illyrilex chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
This story is awesome; seriously, I absolutely love it. (I think I've read it like, 600 times since adding it to my favourites.)

Cheers! :)
J.L. Zielesch chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
I have to say, I enjoyed this very much. The dialog was very well sculpted together and the entire interaction between the two characters seemed legit.

I do thank you on the explanation on In-and-Out, because you see, due to my interactions with the English (namely my husband's nanny), In-and-out well... "A bit of the ole In-and-out?" is and offer for sex. I was laughing due to that, but the restaurant meaning works just as well, if not more so for the tone of the story.
volepitofregret chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
D'aww. I love the way you've written the two of them here, showing the sides they usually only show to each other.
Blue Mage Quartet chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
This was delicious.

I absolutely adore this kind of idea explored for Resident Evil characters. We never actually get to see them GET any downtime- always rushing off in the next helicopter to stop whatever crisis is at hand. I don't think they've ever had any time to relax, you wrote this beautifully in that regard. Two long time partners discussing, over tea, what they would do with a vacation. I think Capcoms' writing staff's heads would all explode if they were presented with this kind of scenario but this was very endearing and sweet.

I especially liked Chris' admission that Jill wouldn't have to come along just because he did, he realizes that yes they are partners but they don't have to always be together. And then Jill tells him that he won't get rid of her that easily. I loved that! :) They know they're stuck with each other, through good or bad.

Although I did notice a strange line where the formatting seemed to have fudged up.

"emOh Chris,/em she thought, giving him a fond look, emyou really have no clue sometimes, do you?/em" Seems to have fiddled with your quotation marks, but this was the only misstep in a very well done fic!

You did great, I cannot wait to see what else you may come up with! :)
Xhian chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
Cute fic. It's very well written.

Good job *thumbs up*