Reviews for The Sorting Hat's Mistake
AwaitTheRise chapter 38 . 7/4/2015
OMFG THIS IS SO AMAZING I LOVE YOU FOR WRITING THIS! Yeah, your writing is pretty amazing. The way you write makes the characters seem really in character and what's happening seem really plausible. This also had the same kind of feel as the books, with mystery, danger, and surprising plot twists. :D
I totally love it! If you every plan on writing the rest, please tell me!~
Captain Twirp chapter 38 . 12/4/2013
I am HOOKED beyond words. The way u are able to capture the characters passion- magnificent. Please do keep writing
boothaddict77 chapter 38 . 10/2/2013
This is great, I hope you continue it. Maybe introduce Krum for a bit of competition, and Ron, too - except have Hermione choose Draco in the end. :) I love it when they make Ron a jealous moron of a romantic rival in ff, even if he's one of my favourite canonical characters.
TARDISgurl587 chapter 2 . 10/2/2013
This kinda confined me... Is it AFTER the last book or before it. And if its before, when's it set...
Thanks :-)
spikeecat chapter 37 . 8/27/2013
Loved it. I hope you write a part 2.
unicornbloodedx chapter 37 . 8/13/2013
pls do part 2! it's really good :D xxx
GhostStar54 chapter 37 . 8/10/2013
great chapter! i really want to know who it was and what ollivander will say!

continue! :)
Guest chapter 23 . 8/9/2013
susan is not a muggleborn. her aunt is amelia bones, whom she lives with as susan's father and the rest of her family were killed in the first war. and poppy doesn't call people names!
MaeSilverpaws1 chapter 37 . 8/9/2013
Thank you
this was an interesting and fun story
I would love to read more of the adventure
Gnomewithoutahat chapter 37 . 8/9/2013
Please write a part 2! :-)
JMG-chemnerd chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
Sorry i meant to say "i've never seen narcissa this crazy before"
JMG-chemnerd chapter 36 . 7/18/2013
oh my lord your grammar is horrid. You use except instead of accept, you forget "a" or "the" before some words, and there are just too many to list. If you would have just read each chapter once before you uploaded it, you (hopefully) could have avoided these mistakes. Your writing style isn't fantastic. It's very plain, but it gets the point across and is usually clear, which is great. Sometimes flowery writing is annoying and i'm glad you stuck with your plain writing. Despite some of the problems I listed above, the plot you created is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. It was great. Completely new. I've read so many dramione fanfics and this was a refreshing plot. I haven't seen bellatrix this crazy before. And the mystery surrounding lucius' death was intriguing. I know it's difficult to write a fanfic because it's hard to plan out when to put certain incidents and all that. So hats off to you for your determination to write this fic. You just really need to continue because i'm hooked onto your plot! :) if you need a beta or someone to read over your chapters, i would totally do it for you. i'm not too bad at grammar. i know you're from the uk but i got an 800 (perfect score) on the writing section of the SAT here in the u.s. so i really could help! And i'd love to! This fanfic would have gotten more followers if your grammar had been better. I know your plot is great and your dramione is progressing well. So yeah, sorry for rambling. To sum it all, I'd love to help check grammar and stuff and i love your plot so far :) thank you!
elarhy chapter 5 . 1/5/2013
Lots of plot holesĀ” So...the trio and crew returns to year 8... but why is Harry in Privet Drive? Fred and Dumbledore alive? Why would Harry and Hermione need to be picked up if they can now use magic, why is Hedwing alive?

I dont know if it gets better, or makes sense as the story goes on... I realise i am at chapter 5 and at current you have till chapter 36. But i can't tell where this story is going
CLJP chapter 35 . 1/1/2013
awesome. can't wait for next chapter . upload soonsoon. :)
Delilah Wise chapter 35 . 12/30/2012
Oooh I am curious now . please upload soon . I'm deeperate to read more .
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