Reviews for Problem and Solution
MercyFrost chapter 1 . 10/10/2013
I know it's kind of late, but understand I am probably the biggest Tollie fan to ever exist, therefore any hint of Tollie I am going to grab it and get as much out of it as I can. So here I am asking you to please continue this story. You've left off with just enough intrigue to invest me. Besides they're just amazing, so watching a story like this go to waste would be just a shame. Aside from all that you write them really well and seeing more of that would make me a very happy person!Please continue!
RosalieThropp chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
Aww, I really loved this.

I felt sorry for Ollie, though. I wish I could hug him or something.

It's very in character and you portrayed both of them so well.

Very well done

HaveNoMercy chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
Wow, this was beautiful. I love when I read a fic and I can believe it either *did* or *could* happen. This fit them really well. The charge between them, the ability to know, comfort, and soothe each other, and the unwavering stubborness they both have.

I loved it. Is this going to be multi-chaptered with a happy ending? I hope?