Reviews for Resident Evil: Secrets Revealed
Noctis-Kun chapter 24 . 3/24
Amazing writing, I only hope you finish this.
cutzroxxane.ritchi chapter 24 . 6/3/2015
wow... Just love this fanfic it was a great read but it would be better if u update the next and last chapter of this fanfic... Please update...
lightning1997 chapter 24 . 5/12/2015
Woaahh this fic is fantastic ! Please do continue, I really love it ! :D
Izaz Zaz chapter 24 . 8/17/2014
really love this story!
Ayesha Aeon chapter 24 . 7/23/2014
I really really really loved this chapter . I don't even have the slightest idea of what's gonna happen next . I know it's already clear but let me say that you are one of the very few authors who have that much effective writing language. Please update the next/final chapter as your first priority. Please. I'm dying to read it . I cant wait anymore. Every minute i wait for it seems like a year.
Total genius chapter 1 . 5/29/2014
I have just decided that if you dont update chapter 25 soon sir , i will literally shot myself on the head with a glock 17 that have your finger print on it than leave a note saying that you kill me .
So please sir , faster update chapter 25 please cuz i now feel minutes passed as if it is hours .
Im DYING for chapter 25 . Please please please please please please sir please .
Ps : am now your biggest fan in the whole wide world !
finished 24 chap chapter 24 . 5/29/2014
Oh god . I cant help myself but to read that part when leon was pulling ada falling all over and over and over and over again before i could continue reading the rest . It no doubt got me breathless just like that moment in re2 ... my goddddd this is so awesomeeeeeee . I love you sir . Continue chap 25 pleaseeeee . Of course ada would break free from the u.s prison right away with her overwhelm spy skills , not to mention leon will come to ada rescue DUH ... but god ! I just have got to read it from the writing skills of yours sir . Obviously the best writter i have seen throughout this website. Please continue or at least say something if decide any other way . Please sir . Im DYING to see the next chapter sir . Ultimate salute for you !
ur biggest fan chapter 19 . 5/28/2014
I think you should continue this plot , this is genius stuff right here mate , you rock so hard sir !
And yes ... Re6's plot sucks BBBBBBLOWS ! It didnt solve shitless but even added more problems than ever before . Leon and ada relationship in re6 is no diffirent from re4 or maybe even worse than that in re2 .
On the other hand it would be nice if you added some re6 characters though , like sherry and jake , they r cute ... but not Carla ( HELL NO ) ...
If i have a T-virus silynder right now and im force to throw it somewhere ... Capcom's headquarter should be 1st on my list . And then i can bring a thompson full upgraded in to finish them off and become everyones hero ( or at least RE's fan's hero ) . After that have you as head of Capcom story writer/director . So awesome just to think about it .
Ps : After reading just 19 chaps of yours ... i decided to take jujitsu class and work my way up to be a top secret agent to hook up with every sexy female adversary agent . Thank you sir . U made my day . Your story owns me ... and properly pawned Re456 all together . Well done sir . Simply genius !
REmyuki chapter 6 . 5/9/2014
just awesome,you work really inspired me of creating my own re
overlord of hell 2012 chapter 24 . 5/4/2014
Enjoyed your story and look forward to reading more
Kip's Girl chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
I really like this story. Written damn fine it is. God, the length is so long! You're on par with my level of writing with a boots of RP-ish quality, which isn't too common around here, needless to say. Hey! With both Brits ;)
JDAN89 chapter 24 . 2/24/2014
WOW grate chapter. I wonder in the real world what is the punishment for a government Agent, protecting a spy?
babe20001 chapter 24 . 2/24/2014
wow... at last.. awesome!
Geraze90 chapter 24 . 2/24/2014
wew finally you update it, it was 5 months ago since we first chat on pm :3
its a good chapter. there was a touchy scene between Leon and Ada and I love it. I hope you're not gonna lock her up cuz I like her free like a butterfly among flowers :3
update soon #thumbs up
Leaf Ranger chapter 24 . 2/23/2014
Well I hope Ada comes out of this okay. and that she and Leon can hook up. I'd hate for all this to happen, and then Ada leaves or goes to prison. TT-TT

Nice work though. Keep it up!
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