Reviews for God Save the King
mrspencil chapter 4 . 9/5/2019
You have picked an unexpected character to be the one to help untangle events and motives and emotions, but it works really well. Tough subjects and complex relationships are given respect here, and you keep Schultz just the right side of sentimentality. Very well penned.
Visage chapter 4 . 3/2/2017
What a beautiful story! Such beautiful descriptions and an absolutely touching story. It gives such a great depth to the characters (prequels and back stories are my favorite!) and is very heartfelt and truthful. ...especially with such a sensitive topic. (And I would love to see a little more of Robbie! What a cutie!) Thank you so much for sharing this!
Abracadebra chapter 4 . 1/4/2017
This is the first installment in whirlyite's very ambitious Newkirk back story, which takes readers deep into his past as well as into his future. Whirlyite has never shied away from big emotions, and this story is packed with them - we see Newkirk at his most vulnerable as well as his bravest and strongest. It is quite a roller coaster ride, but we also come to understand through this story why he is in many ways the most complex of the heroes. The scenes with Schultz are incredibly tender and though they're a little implausible, well, what the heck? It's fanfiction, and it's all about exploring the things you wish the show could have done.

As part of the Reviewathon, I planned to review "first stories" by my 10 favorite authors. But I had already reviewed the remarkable Thousand Yard Stare, and settled on this one as my next favorite of the older works.

If you haven't read much of Whirlyite, I highly, highly commend her work. She has one of the most consistent visions for her characters of any author, and has constructed a remarkably complete backstory for Newkirk. Most of her stories also feature extensive research - for example, as she notes in the intro to this one, she was inspired by old newsreels about the death of King George VI. I'm always impressed by this aspect of her work!
Guest chapter 4 . 1/16/2016
Oh, damn. I've been crying through this whole fic. Just an absolutely emotional moment.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/16/2016
I usually wait til the end of a fic before I review it but this is one time that I just have to review a specific chapter. The part where Newkirk and Schultz are sitting there in the cell and Schultz is taking care of Newkirk is just too sweet to pass up. I always thought that Schultz had a more fatherly attitude towards Hogan's men and this is a good example of that.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/13/2015
Lovely short story. I have only been on here for about 6 months so slowly working my way through the works. Thanks very much:)
OrangeSunset1701 chapter 4 . 12/30/2014
Gives people a small insite as to how horrible trench war was in the first world war. Well done.
SaraiEsq chapter 4 . 9/4/2014
Nicely done again.
SaraiEsq chapter 3 . 9/4/2014
Well done chapter.
LilyGoldilocks chapter 4 . 10/22/2011
I read this story, before I read "Never give in", so I want to review this one, too. Really, you do write wonderful!

Robbie is so sweet. :) I'm glad that you have expanded this world by "Never give in". But in this one here, I like how you work out Schultz's character. Big guy with a really big heart.

And Newkirk as a Warrant Officer, I like that, too. I'm so sorry for Newkirk, that so soon after this, he is so sick. :(

He really had to go through too much for one man already... But of course, I like the drama. So keep it up and write many more of your Newkirk-stuff. I sure will read and review.
buggleston chapter 4 . 7/3/2011
I really enjoyed the flow of Newkirk's present wirh his past to show how he finally came to terms of how his father treated him. I liked how you brought out Schultz's kindness and for Newkirk-I really loved the scenes of Schultz using his experience with his friend in the war to help Newkirk realize that the war change men dramaticaly even towards their own bringing in alot of historical facts made the story come alive-also the caring scenes bring Newkirk and Schultz were executed very nicely though the story-very touch thanks for an excellent story .
Six of Twelve chapter 4 . 3/11/2011
This was truly a powerful story. I enjoyed hearing about Schultz' previous life as well as Newkirk's.
Susan M. M chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
Good to see that Newkirk lived (mostly) happily ever after once the war was done. Not at all surprising what he named his sons.
Susan M. M chapter 3 . 2/20/2011
Excellent Schultz chapter.
Crystal Rose of Pollux chapter 4 . 11/29/2010
I loved how you explored the relationship (or lack thereof) between Peter and his father (and I pictured a similar situation in the Newkirk family, as well). Everything fit so well- what Peter confessed to Schultz, and his conflicting emotions.

And I loved your characterization of Schultz in this fic, too! I can easily see him doing and saying all of those things.
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