Reviews for Don't you?
brenda sianipar chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
I CRIED WITH THE ENDING:”((( theyre SO cute and i love their relationship so muchh! i cant believe sakura has cancer... this story is SO beautiful! ur so talented! ily!
RoyalsSxS chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
I'm crying! This is the most beautiful story I have ever read. WAHHHHHHHH!
SakuraButterflyDragonGoddess chapter 1 . 9/20/2017
OMG i cried, i feel sorry for neji, i sort of had an idea but i didnt think it would be cancer and then he admitted he loved her. i think you should do two shot it was an heartbreaking story and very beautiful.
EmeraldBlossom17 chapter 1 . 4/11/2017
AWWWW i cried soo much reading this. COme on you have to make thiinto a 2 shot pleaseeeee
lady gaar chapter 1 . 1/28/2017
OMG, poor neji, I cannot believe it ended that way. I can't imagine how neji felt after the love of his life died when he finally admitted he loved her.

I would kill myself if the love of my life died as soon as I confessed my love to him
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
Awwww that was sad and good at the same time
YinYangCancer chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
Okay. Can I just comment on the authors note. 'I killed Sakura.' That made me laugh, it was just so bluntly stated. Other than that it was a beautiful story. However, it seemed a bit rushed. Even though it is a one shot this kind of love story plot should be completely thought out. Slow and sweet for a lack of better words. Other pairings you should think about is Saku - Shikamaru, Tobirama, Hashirama, Nejis one of my favorites but there's not nearly enough sakuxneji fanfictions.
Anita chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
it was truly an emotional plot...nicely eyes were in tears...that's a huge complement for u...I guess
cassirycake chapter 1 . 11/27/2014
Ahhhhhh, my heat :( this is brilliant!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
the ending made me cry some!
i liked your short story
keep on writing!
ScrappyAsFrick chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
why did i read this when i knew i was going to cry at the endddd?
how could you do this to meeee?
CrazyBitchair chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
Why would you do that? That was so sad and beautiful and cute ;_;. Neiji you idiot why haven't you said anything sooner? /3
saku642734 chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
great story :) really really sad though :/ but still go anyway :)
Darkened Blossom14 chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
for me your an asshole for killing my most favorite character in this fic but as much as i hate she died i also love almost as much that he admitted it finally(keyword almost)well you know what they say:

you can hide your feelings for
a duration of time but
not forever

later shelby -chan,
floating on clouds above chapter 1 . 12/14/2013
Tragic, but I love this!
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