Reviews for The Game
onethousandpairings chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
this story reminds me of the The 39 Clues
PizzaTop21 chapter 12 . 12/11/2011
Oh. My. Good. Golly. Gracious!

This was wonderful! Again, I'm reviewing late, but I believe a review late is better than no review at all.

So when James' dad first called him, I was all like, "Oh no! Oh no! This is NOT going to go well!" And what happens? It doesn't go well! I can predict the future with this kind of stuff!

When James FIRST got hurt and then he got sick, was it bad that I loved that? Lol, I'm incredibly sadistic, but I can't help it! I love what I love!

I love the end scene! Like, when his friends came to rescue him and his mom! It was like a superhero moment! And then James was worse and sick and again, I loved it :)

So this was a wonderful story and I loved it! I hope to see more from you!
your master chapter 11 . 1/13/2011
that was great write more
SnowflakeMelodies chapter 3 . 12/31/2010
O_O Dude, you said Texas Renaissance Fair! You live in Texas? I live In Texas!

Um... Sorry. X3

This is good so far by the way! I really like it!
unnaturalstories chapter 11 . 12/30/2010
sorry I was to lazy to log in. But yay there safe and sound for the most part. I am dying to read the last chapter but then again I am kinda sad to see this story end. UPDATE SOON PLEASE! maybe.
unnaturalstories chapter 10 . 12/29/2010
Yippy they got out! I am icredibly happy for them! Now lets hope Mr. Diamond doesn't find them and they get out safe and sound. UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
unnaturalstories chapter 8 . 12/4/2010
Um okay how bout this. James' dad locks Logan, Kendall, Carlos, and in the basment. He then takes James to the living room window and holds a gun to his head. While he is locking the guys in the basment James could slowly start to wake up and the cops start to surround the house. And so he has a gun to James head and yells at the cops if they take one more step he will blow the kids head off. And there is my suggustion. I am really enjoying your story. UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
unnaturalstories chapter 6 . 11/18/2010
aww poor james. you will find her dont worry. Hey kaite actually showed some emotion im suprised. that was really sweet of her. I just wanted to point out that there was quiet a bit of mistakes in this chapter. maybe you could proof read it or have someone else proof read it to help. just some segustions. (i think thats how how you spell it.) But other than that it was perfect and i loved it. UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
unnaturalstories chapter 4 . 11/7/2010
yay! james it waking up. i cant wait to see the way the guys act when they find out his mom is missing. UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
breeisonfire chapter 4 . 11/7/2010
Wow. Poor James. he's really beat. And pneumonia on top of that. Anyway, yay, you updated! Nothing about his mom, but that's okay. It's still amazingly awesome. -

Good chapter. I like it. Logan in doctor Anyway, uh...good chapter! We forgive you if you take a while to update! I promise!
Waffles Of Doom chapter 3 . 11/7/2010
I am completely in love with this story already! I love the idea, and well, it's pretty awesome!

On thing though, and I point this out to everyone that does it, but by saying you'll only update, or update faster if you get a certain amount of reviews is actually 'holding a chapter hostage'. I did it before myself, and the person that told me about it says it actually puts people off your story.

Anyways, like I said, this is really awesome, and I'm looking forward to reading more (:
unnaturalstories chapter 3 . 11/7/2010
waaaa! H-he just like pasted out! In front of Logan! Dude hard core right there. And then his dad is an evil evil little turd how dare he hurt james like that! Oh the texas reniccans fair sounds fun! Hope you had a fun time! Love the story. But the events are happening kinda fast. Maybe you could space them out a litttle bit. I'm not trying to be mean or anything just trying to help. UPDATE SOON PLEASE!
mandamichelle chapter 3 . 11/6/2010
i love this story...please dont make it slash...hope u update soon:)
breeisonfire chapter 3 . 11/6/2010
Oh, no! Poor James. Logan's gonna freak!

Sorry. Good story! Suspenseful. I like the fact that his dad is taunting him with his mother (I'm sadsitic to my characters...) and that James figured out how to find his dad. Interesting twist with the whole 'Step two' thing. I like it! Again, good story!
sodapopwinchester chapter 3 . 11/6/2010
another great chapter! can't wait to find out what happened to James.
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