Reviews for Something Wicked This Way Comes
Guest chapter 3 . 11/18/2016
Omg... this is the first type of unique outlook on a more Halloween-esque version of the idea of Nations I've ever read. I really, really love it a lot! I so hope you update more with this story as I am very curious as to seeing Alfred turn into the nation America..., as well what England's mission is and if Alfred and Matthew will ever meet again.
Hardcore Fangirl chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
I love this story. I adore it with a burning passion, despite the fact it's a bottom-of-the-stack I'll-continue-this-sometime-later fic. I don't see creative AU's that use the Nations all that often, and almost no one does it like you. I have a strange obsession with the story- most especially with the creatures inside- and I'd probably cry if you were to continue it. Not that you should draw your attention from other fics, because I love them all, but this is just an unfinished story that won't leave me alone and I GOTTA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS PLEASE. :)
Diurnal Days chapter 2 . 1/8/2016
Ooh. The way you describe gore is almost as appetizing to me as it is to Arthur (and Alfred, apparently).
No Matthew yet - aww - but at least there's gore in this chapter! Woo! Seriously, though, Align made me discover my secret kink for cannibalism. Now, whenever I read about Arthur eating someone in a fic, I feel really happy. Idk why. Maybe I'm a sadist or something. But I was smiling a lot during this chapter.
And yeah, absinthe really does suit Arthur a lot. "The Green Fairy"? That's half of Arthur's canon personality right there! (The other half is "British Tsundere", because he is one, obviously, lol).
Only one chapter left... ooh! I wonder what'll happen in that one. :)
Also, I enjoy reading your fics after a long day and relaxing into your familiar, calm style. I read your fics as voraciously as a bored housewife would read cheap trashy romance novels (except that your fics are actually good, lmao).
(Btw, it's been a while since I've read "A is for" or "When in Athens". I need to reread both. And then proceed to leave very long reviews on both fics. Because I'm totally predictable. XD)
Diurnal Days chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Amazing as always. Your fics do not disappoint.
I feel kinda bad for Timo. He seems to always get the short end of the stick in your stories (read: dying gruesomely). He was just taking a walk outside, that's all.
Also, I want to see more of Mattie. I love USUK, but it's refreshing to read a USUK fanfiction from the perspective of another character once in a while. I'm wondering how he'll react to seeing his brother again (if he lives long enough to meet him, lololol), especially since Alfred and Arthur are in a sexual relationship.
The revelation that Alfred is a Nation himself makes me wonder if Mattie is also a nation, considering that they are brothers and all. And how would two Continental Army generals have a Nation for a son, anyway? Ooh, mystery!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/30/2014
Wow, amazing. I love the intrigue and how everything slowly comes out... How just the right amount of information is given, not too cryptic and not too clear. I await the answers!
Mayhem21 chapter 3 . 1/22/2014
I would love to see another chapter of this or at least a brief summary. This is earie and and evocative!
Karlamity chapter 3 . 11/25/2013
Why do I get the feeling that Mathew and Alfred are going to be meeting up very soon? And why do I get the idea that it won't be the happiest of reunions... Please update soon please! This story is absolutely brilliant!
asylum regular chapter 3 . 7/24/2013
Please (actually begging right now) update soon!
Byakusharinnegan chapter 1 . 6/30/2013
Edgar Allen Poe has wonderful stories, it's just that I made a mistake of reading one in the middle of the the dark...with a flashlight...and no sound except for a clock.
(Oh...and it was the Tell-Tale Heart.)
Redthorne19 chapter 3 . 6/26/2013
These is story has to be one of the best I've read yet.
Please , do continue with it .
The twists you add are just Amazing.
gomogomo777 chapter 3 . 6/22/2013

I just love your writing! It's just so amazing! I wish there were more chapters to this, it just can't end here!
Viviane Renard chapter 3 . 3/28/2013
What a great twist! Arthur is actually a dead person-turned robot who fuels himself with the flesh and blood of his victims.! It's a awesomely unique monster type. You do a great job of writing the macabre and bloody parts of this story, making the horror both common place for the characters and yet brutal for the readers. I really wonder if Alfred is "transforming," or what Arthur is up to. It's twisted, to see how thirteen years of living with Arthur has warped Alfred's concept of "normal" and "acceptable" behavior. I'm really curious to see what happens the first time Alfred meets Matthew after thirteen years of separation and different lifetime experiences. I really, really, really hope you find inspiration to continue this lovely story.
The Little Red Leaf chapter 3 . 10/25/2012
I really hope you will update this story. It is very captivating and so well written that it makes me jealous. I wish mine were this good.
AekoAeviAthan chapter 3 . 5/21/2012
Oh wow... This story is sooooo awesome! I'm in suspense I want to know what will happen next!

Hahahaha! That sounds selfish of me, anyways, i'll wait patiently for your update
Nevertrustaprussian chapter 3 . 4/12/2012
That.. was amazing.

GAH, you are just such an awesome writer.

I know that you said you would be updating this story slowly, but I cannot WAIT for another chapter!

especially when this one ended cliffhanger-ish...

Until next time, then :)

(Thank you so much for writing this!)
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