Reviews for HELLoween
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Great use of characters from pandora hearts and kobato
theunhappytwins chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
I wanted Fai and Break to join their evil forces in the PH bit, though...
Sassy Scroll chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
Y'know, in my opinion, he asked for it. I really liked this.
Queerapika chapter 1 . 11/2/2010
I swear, I won’t tell Kurogane. But, my dear, you’d deserve it. I can’t believe what this poor man has to endure. Don’t worry for the missing KuroFai-moments. If there’s no subtext, I’ll hallucinate one. XD

Okay, first thing: the costumes. Fai as cat-men in a tight cat suit, with plushy ears and a golden bell… am I the only one thinking this is pure sex? My fanservice-senses are tingling. XD And Yuuko, well, she’s always pure sex. Now, Kurogane’s costume… God, the poor man. I am not into this pink and glittery girly attitude anymore and seriously that’s just torture. He’d be better off if he was tearing the costume. Everything a man needs is a leave right before his privates and he has the Adam’s costume, right? (Naughty mind wantzzz more fanservice)

Second thing: the guest characters. I was happy to recognize Kobato-chan and later the word carnivore war definitely ringing a bell but I didn’t figure out who the guy in the Alice-costume might be until the word “seaweed head” appeared. GIL! OMG, it’s Gil Nightray. I couldn’t believe that I missed that; after all, the entire Pandora Hearts Plot is a dark, angsty Alice-hommage. Plus, there was this extra-episode in the manga, where little Gilbert had to walk atraund as Alice as well. I also can’t believe that you didn’t mention Break; the mad hatter is just as manipulative as Oz.

I just don’t know the guy from the first house. I can’t think of a blond anime guy with golden eyes and the same voice actor as Fai… that FMA-guy with the plaid?

There was only one thing… I never figured out why this night had been the best in Kurogane’s life so far.
Uakari chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Hehehe - poor Kurogane...he never gets a break!

So, I picked up on Ed and Al and Kobato, but who was all in the third group of people that they met (with the carnivore girl and Gilbert)? I didn't recognize anyone there...

Very cute - and I'm happy you went with Fuuma stealing their candy XD
AllTheLosers chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
OwO Tehe~ XD

poor Kurogane. Always getting shafted by Fai andthe witch~


oh and ON A SIDE NOTE. I lost chapter 13 to Mysterious Alcohol, I was wonderig if you had it?

But that was really good~! :D

oH and if you do find it, tell me, I got a new email :D