Reviews for 5 Times Clark Held Ollie
lizzy384 chapter 2 . 10/31/2010
Yeah, I think I'm gonna think Ollie is cute no matter what he does! Chloe and Lois are always welcome additions, especially when they're being such great friends to Clark and Ollie like they are in this chapter.

The image of Ollie and Chloe singing Bust a Move drunk is hilarious! And I love that you've managed to end both chapters with Ollie and Clark drifting off to sleep in different places wrapped around each other - who doesn't want that image in their head ;-)
lizzy384 chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Awww...sick Ollie is very cute. And carer Clark is so very sweet! Really just the perfect couple ;-)

A lovely little ficlet capturing a moment in their relationship. And I'm guessing by your story's title, that I've got 4 more chapters to look forward to! Yah!

As a technical p.s. I was going to note, that I'm not sure if it was your intention for this chapter to be bold, italics, underlined? - but you seemed to have fixed it for the next chapter, so maybe it was just an accident? It's just not as easy to read (especially if it'd been longer).