Reviews for In the Garden of the Commendatore
inceptus chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
i cannot possibly tell you how this fic touched me , it was beautiful and very well written and so true to the characters in the film . and the ending , broke my heart . thank you for sharing 3
rey chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
oh. my. god. oh my god.

I am speechless. just... wow. I don't think I've ever read a fic as amazing and well-written as this one and I've been reading fics for over 5 years on a daily basis.

and that fucking ending, holy shit. I was almost on the verge of crying. You made me care for a character I didn't care too much about or give a passing thought. I'm definitely going to remember this one for a long time. thank you so much for this.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
No, actually, scratch that. Their relationship is twisted because Ariadne has invaded his dreams and abused and used him. And Robert doesn't know that. That makes things even worse for Ariadne because how could she, a decent human being, even let them start dating or even try. She has used him and that would be too much to bear. She is afraid that maybe it hasn't been real since they have altered his mind and confused him. Maybe she didn't want to have anythin to do with Robert at the beginning. She just wanted to build scyscrapers. But she saw something in Robert. A dreamer. And the time they spent together changed her too. They are both affected by each other. At least she decided that his dreames don't deserve to be invaded by them yet again. She started to see that invading someone's dreams is dirty. Or she just didn't want him to be pulled into that again without him knowing. How can you pursue a relationship with someone if it's unbalanced right from the beginning?
I know, I'm blabbering but I can't get this out of my mind right now. And I can't even get all the thing I'd like to say here.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
Can't recall a time when I would have felt so affected by some story. But this one was harrowing. Robert and Ariadne's relationship was so fragile and there was constantly a feeling it could be maybe more if Ariadne had let. They were two dreamers who wanted to create something new and something their own. Dream scenes were fantastic. I actually felt a little bit anxious about that statue while reading in a dark room without lights on. And there was kind of that feeling throughout the story that Cobb was there even when he wasn't til the end. Very smart and very well written. Leaves a reader wondering for a moment and their heart broken after reading.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2017
I wish there was a part 2 where Robert goes in search of Ariadne. I read this fic every year. One of my favorites.
T-tawny chapter 1 . 7/15/2016
That was a freaking fabulous read. Thank you!
missfatale chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
felicityawhite chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
I cried at the end it was so sad... You're amazing. I loved it. Robert ariadne forever xx
Guest chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
What? It ended like... that?
Amollygamation chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
Beautiful. And so unique. Thank you!
Hiei-and-shino chapter 1 . 3/27/2015
This is one of my favorite fanfics ever, but I forgot to save the link and couldn't find it again-until now! Great job with everything; the characters, their voices, the plan... Everything is just perfect and I really hoped Robert and Ariadne would get together in the end, but I loved the fact they didn't.

I don't really know what to say, only that it's a perfect story, a perfect fanfic and that you did a great job. My favorite part is the one in which Ariadne describes death by drowning. It was so well done, really. To this day, every time I think of a scene with drowning, I remember your description.
Alaynna chapter 1 . 3/3/2015
Oh my lord. Hands down one of the best Oncwption fics I've ever written. Truly, bravo. It was perfect.
dasedconfuzed chapter 1 . 7/3/2014
This has to be the nth time that I reread this piece, as whenever I delve into the Inception fandom (or just rewatch the film) I remember how much I loved this story when I first read it. First of all, I love the detail–the bits with the opera and the grind of being right out of grad school trying to build a career. Second, I love the characterizations. I loved how Ariadne was compassionate yet headstrong, and I loved her inner struggle with dreamshare. I also loved Robert–he's not a lovesick sap, he's not an idiot, he's not unemotional; he's an interesting mix between highly competent yet unconfident. Half the time, I kept wondering what was going on in his mind and how different his perception of Ariadne would've been. I can't shake the idea that maybe he suspected something of her but that unease just evaporated after the first extraction. I also love Arthur and Eames in the background and how they enter Ariadne's story as (how I read it) knowing that the extraction can only end one way for Ariadne. (Your hinting at some off- off-screen quasi-relationship between Ariadne and Arthur was also amazing.) What made this story really tragic for me was that at the end Ariadne realizes just how completely horrifying dreamshare is, yet she's already been so involved in it that the possibility of her living a normal life is now out of the question. (I mean, I guess it would depend on how long Arthur would want her away from Robert. She can't exactly pick up her real-world life as Ariadne and not expect Robert to find her.) FInally, I really loved the arc of Ariadne/Robert's relationship: it beginning at the empty field between the high rises (I saw that scene as the point where Robert really started noticing Ariadne and maybe the point where he hired a P.I. to check her out) and then ending there with Ariadne saying the same thing to him. Now, because I've already used the word "love" half a dozen times, there were still some things that I wondered. About Robert specifically. They're really tiny things I noticed that couldn't shake off as I kept reading: 1) was he married before? That scene with him and his uncle implied that he royally fucked up when he was twenty, and then something about Browning mentioning about still having to pay that girl off (to me) reeked of nasty divorce settlement. and 2) were his last two fiancées also corporate spies? Because whoa, you would've succeeded in giving him a sad, interesting backstory that didn't involve sexual abuse.
LindseyWasHere chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
I re-watched Inception and fell in love all over again. This time around, I focused on Robert Fischer and found myself reading this particular fanfic. It's filled with beautifully written moments, hilarious tid-bits, a splash of heartfelt realism and sad tragedy that makes my heart hurt. In a good way though..?

All I can say is that I admire your writing ability and this is an amazing story. thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
Dark and depressing, but so well-written I had to re-read it. I think you did a great job nailing everyone's personalities and the hardships Robert would face after disbanding his father's organization.
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