Reviews for Rebirth
FairyDragon94 chapter 15 . 4/7/2015
Oh my dear what an amazing story!
Read this in one go last night so when i finnished at 2.30 am i went straight to bed so im reviewing now :3 worldbuilding is exelent (love to see more of the kitsune world) i know this hasnt been updated for a while but i do hope you havent given up on it.

dragon8820 chapter 15 . 5/7/2013
good story well u update some time or is that it?
Yris04 chapter 15 . 6/2/2012
It's a really nice story ! I hope you will update the next soon )
Mugetsu kurosaki chapter 15 . 5/17/2012
Wonderful storie ! i just love it . U got 2 continue it . Cant wait for the next chapter ! :-)
Kristol Midnite chapter 1 . 11/12/2011
This story is really good!

Just added it to my favorites ;) Keep up the awesome work

indescribable music chapter 14 . 9/16/2011
i can't wait for you to update! this is one of my favorite bleach fanfics!
Hikari-Pandora chapter 14 . 8/26/2011
I don't mind if you take your time with this lovely story as long as you keep writing it. Sure I can't promise you the many reviews you deserve, but I'm hoping that what you've got till now counts for something. I've enjoyed reading so far, thank you!

Ja, matta tsugi ni! (until next)
Kaomiyo chapter 14 . 8/18/2011
this is a very interesting idea. I like how the story is moving along. I also enjoy the back story you have presented between the Kitsune and the Soul Reapers. Keep up the writing and update soon

ShatterTheHeavens chapter 14 . 8/17/2011
Yay XD You're back. I was worried you forgot.

Nice chapter. A little view from soul society's pov, and Ichigo's getting trained by the kitsune's Six Holy Blades.

Can't wait for more.
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 14 . 8/17/2011
hmm...things are getting tough now. and good luck at the air force!
hmm01meh chapter 14 . 8/17/2011
interesting, very very interesting, anyways update soon please:D
hmm01meh chapter 13 . 7/21/2011
ahh, magnificent story. i truly love the fact that it's something very original and nothing in it is more or less taken from the cannon and manga. the whole idea for the story is truly great and brings alot of intrest. i hope that the bastard yamamoto gets stabbed in his back by one of his own. maybe unohana:D it would be fun seeing someone who fights to protect life taking it away from the crazy old fool. if i'm right, then hollowfication will soon follow, soul sociaty lowering themselves to something like that... anyways, i love the story and can't wait for the next update which i hope will be soon. i also wouldn't mind if the ratings changed to M and you put in some lemons. till the next time and hope to hear from the story soon.
Dragon-Angel123 chapter 13 . 6/5/2011
i love it! very well written chapter. as far as spelling mistakes i couldnt see any major ones. but keep writing! i want to see how this turns out! :)
Yin7 chapter 13 . 3/23/2011
really good story

the headcaptian has gone crazy
Hollow Ichigo-Ichigo chapter 13 . 3/23/2011
awws~! and kinda an uh-oh...DX
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