Reviews for Curious? Ask A Lot Of Questions!
ally chapter 4 . 10/11/2017
how is Ponyboy curios in this book
dragon149 chapter 6 . 7/13/2015
Hi I have a few questions not that many so 1. To the gang if Ponyboy got a raped by a group of soc, then what would you guys do. 2. Ponyboy what is your relationship with sodapop ( I don't mean the gay way or anything) 3. Sodapop how old were you when you lost your virginity.
XXRiverXX chapter 8 . 5/16/2014
I just found this story and I love it. It's the best damn thing i've ever read. Okay I got a question for everyone.

Pony: Are you a virgin?

Soda: Are you still hung up on Sandy?

Darry: How come you never had a girlfriend?

Johnny: What would you do if a pedophile tried to kidnap you?

Steve: Why do you hate Pony?

Two Bit: You are my favorite character ever and I LOVE Mickey Mouse too. Not to mention you are the best looking out of the rest of the gang. Anyway, what would you do if Mickey was cancelled?

Dally: How old were you when you lost your virginity?

Tim: Solve this riddle- What always runs but never walks,often murmurs but never talks,has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? (Confidential: Tiff, the answer is a river)

Curly: Are you gay?

Angela: Why are you trying to get into Pony's pants?

Bob: How many times have you and Randy fucked?

Randy: Why are you and Bob in denial about being gay for each other?

Cherry: Why is your rep more important than being friends with
Pony? So what if he's a greaser. Greasers actually can feel things instead of being heartless bastards like Socs. FUCK YOU, YOU MEGA BITCH!

Marcia: What does it feel like to know your boyfriends gay?

Tiff: What inspired you to make this?

Greasers: What do you think of the Socs?

Socs: What do you think of the Greasers?

Everyone: Who's your least favorite person?

Great story, keep it up
Jack Frost the Frost Child chapter 8 . 2/27/2013
LOVE THIS FIC! Okay questions

Pony- You're totally awesome so here's a cookie and Why don't you hate Cherry? When you saw her after visiting Johnny she was gonna help and all that then you gave her an awesome rant then you had to cheer her up!

Dally- You're so amazing and could you punch Cherry and the rest of the Socs for me?

Sodapop- What would you do if you found out that Sandy actually was pregnant with your kid but lied about it?

Johnny- You're my second favorite character after Pony, and if your parents don't care when you come home why don't you just move with one of the gang?

Curly- How did you and Pony become such great friends? You guys are polar opposites.

Two-Bit- Why don't you like the name Keith? Also what were you thinking when you saw Pony smash that Pepsi bottle and threatened the Socs? ( If Darry didn't know this I'm sorry Pony)

Tim- What would you do if you had to pick how you'd die? Drowning or being burned alive?

Darry- I was kind of mad at you when you hit Pony, but I forgive you now! Also what would you do if you found out Soda was doing drugs?

Steve- I hate you go fuck yourself and die!


Randy- I hope you choke while giving Bob a blow job! Stupid faggot! ( Nothing against gays but I had nothing else to call him!)

Bob- Why are you even here? Go back to being dead! I liked you better that way

Cherry- As I said before I HATE YOU! Go fall off a cliff

Marcia- You seemed okay until you said it was a fake phone number! I'm glad that you're dating Randy, now nobody has to listen to you being a whiny bitch except him!

Tiffany- You're incredible! Also I have one question, can you kill off at least one of the socs? Please?

Anyway awesome story can't wait to read more!
roseofnoonvale chapter 8 . 11/23/2012
Hey, ok I've got some questions.
Sandy: Why did you cheat on Soda like that. You are a worthless hoe, and I hope you fall off a cliff, die, and then get eat by sharks.
Soda: You are good looking. I've got a question. If you had to be gay with one of your brothers, who would you be gay with?
Darry: Is it hard raising youryounger brothers?
Ponyboy: You are a great kid. Wanna hang out sometime. I'm not asking for a date, but just as friends.
Two-Bit: Wanna hang out and watch Mikey Mouse?
Steve: I don't hate you, and the people who do have no taste in people. Do you wish you had a bigger part in the book?
Johnny: You are adorable. Why do you put up with your parent's abuse toward you?
Dally: You are great, and good looking too. If your looking for a fling, let me know, and we can get together, of course, if you want a serious relationship, I can do that to.
Socs: You aren't better than everyone. Did you hate the greasers when you were little kids?
Curly and Tim: do you guys wish you had a bigger part in the novel?
Tiffany: I hope you don't mind all these questions. Here's one for you. If you were trapped on a deserted island with only one soc for company, and you couldn't kill or wound them in anyway. Who would you chose? You have to chose someone.
Just obsessed chapter 4 . 11/20/2012
Hey this is really great and funny, I have a few question's

Bob- Can i send you into the hunger games when the other tributes are all ninjas that are targeted to kill you, except one who's Chuck Norris (he hates your guts)and the ground is lava, theres also lava proof legos (and you have to be barefoot) while Justin bieber is playing all through the arena? Can I also punch you in the face with metal spikes?

Pony - Do you like the Hunger game series and Harry Potter series? If not, go sit in a corner dressedas a carrot.

Johnny - What would you do if you received a Hogwarts letter and found out you were a wizard? And what would do if your were at my school in all of my classes?

Two bit - Would you ride a unicorn if you had the chance?

Dally- If you got to slam 3 cakes into peoples faces who would those 3 people be?

Soda - What would you do if you could control time (like the movie click)?

Darry - How many cakes do you guys eat in a week? And if you had to dye your hair a bright neon color what would it be?

Steve - what would you do if you found out that millions of people were reading about you guys? What would you do if about 90% of those people read only the parts that Soda's in?

Randy- why are you friend with bob? why not just kick his butt?

Cherry - why are you even dating bob he's drunk, annoying, a mama's boy, he can't even fight 1 on 1. He makes his "friends" do all the fighting for him, he's a wimp. He can't even be in a fist fight if unless it is like 4 against 1 or has to fight unfairly.

Marcia - Do you wish you can slap bob?

P.s Bob you're a wimp and if you think you're so much better I dare you to fight Dally, no help, no weapon just your and Dally's fists. But Dally can have the gang fight with him. There will be no backing out. You will be on your own bob.
Natalie chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
I did think of a Question though.
What's it like being free to do whatever?
I've never known because my parents hardly let me out of the house and don't really understand me so I don't talk to them about much. And I'm too quiet and shy to talk to friends about it except maybe Fiona. So I've never really found out.
Natalie chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
I love this!
2swagg4words chapter 8 . 6/30/2012
Okay, this is going really well so far! I cracked up reading this XD
so, let's get started with the questions/comments(?)

Tiffany: (that's my name too btw :D) you seem pretty swagg (yeah that's it, I'll think of something else next time)

Dally: I have a friend who is obsessed with you!...So remind me A LOT of my dad (random) who are you closest with in the gang? (besides Johnny)...yeah, you dig okay...

Two-Bit: I have a joke/riddle for you: What kind of road does a stoner take? (see if you can answer that correctly)'re pretty cool and remind me a of myself...yeah...Mickey Mouse rules!

Johnny: You are soooooooo cute! (not sayin' that in a creepy fanbrat way!) You're so sweet and caring, we would totally be friends! (I think?...yeah..) so...who would you rather date, Cherry or Angela? Yeah...want me to kick your parents' asses? jkjk (no, really I will ...yeah, they're assholes, sorry about that...yeah, this is kind of long...k...ttyl, bro

Ponyboy: Why is everyone calling you gay? You are not (just sayin' lol)...anyways, my friend is crazy in love with you (she says "hi") kinda annoying but if you could say hi back, that would be, would you ever consider dating marcia? (just wondering) What was the lowest grade you've ever gotten? Would you ever try pot? (again, just wondering)...okay, you're pretty cool too...stay gold, man...

Darry: You need to loosen up, man (sorry just sayin') What kind of punishment would you give Pony if you found him hooking up with your girlfriend? (if you had Do you think you could beat Dally in a fight?...(he he...I don't)...anyways, sorry for all that, you're actually pretty cool, man...SWAGG!

Curly: You're a cool seem like you get high all the time though..(idk...just seems like you do) do you?...Anyways, swaggtastic name there! :D

Soda: You're too cool for school (that was uber lame), what's it like being the middle child? Would it be cool to trade places with Pony or Darry for a day? Oh, and how many girlfriends have you had in your lifetime?...What's your favorite kind of soda, Soda? (hahaha..not funny) What was the weirdest/most awkward experience you've ever had with...with...with...Johnny? (idk lol)...K, see ya lata rock!

Tim: I'm not getting a lot of good vibes from you (sorry man)...anyways, what if you found out that Dally has a secret talent (ballet dancing)...just wondering what you would're okay man...(I guess...kinda)...

Cherry: I really don't hate you that much but what you did was need a change in, why did you dat Bob of all people? That's pretty low...but I guess we can still be friends...maybe...probably not...

Angela: You're a bit on the slutty side (no offence)...but you're still pretty cool...Would you ever consider dating Dally?...ttyl, hun...see ya lata...

Randy: You're not that bad, kid, at least you understand things...sorta...I can feel some good vibes coming from you (did I really just say that?) Anyways...catch you later...

Bob: You're an ass...sorry...maybe you can change, but I don't see that happening anytime...alright kid, shape up man and stop thinking that you're better than everyone cause you're not (everyone is special in there own way...lalalalalaaaa...know that song?)...k bye, dude

Steve: I almost forgot about you...well, anyways, you're a pretty cool cat...Why do you hate Pony so much? (has this been asked before? Oh, well)...what was the funniest thing that has happened to you in the past month? (stupid question)...what's your favorite book? (also stupid question)...kk...catch ya later, cat daddy :D (meow)

Marcia: You seem okay (for a soc)...but you seem a little bit shallow and sheltered...You should go explore the world more if you know what I mean...Who would you most want to date out of all the greasers?...yeah, you're not THAT bad...ttyl

okay, this is really long but I have absolutely NO LIFE! life...
m'kay, bye guys, I'll catch you lata

(you better post this cause it took me forever jkjkjk...not in a mean way...)

suicide1040 chapter 8 . 6/20/2012
Hello everyon it is great to meet is question :Commit each of the seven deadly :What is your greatest regret?Soda:Why are you such a over protective brother?Johnny:Can you survive ten seconds locked in a room with 5 wolf cubs?Twobit:I dare you to dispose of Mickey :Fight a :Why are you so arrogant?Tim and Curly:Where are your parents?Marcia:Go to Disneyland with Twobit and have a good :Make a evil copy of Ponyboy.I can't wait to see the !
Slamalamadingdong chapter 8 . 6/18/2012
Hi everyone! First of all I would like to say I'm so happy there's a story like this. Ok, I have some questions.

Steve: I love you. You are my absolute favorite! (just needed to say that). Also, do you have a mom? The book only talks about your dad.

Curly: you are my second favorite character. How do you feel about not being mentioned a lot in the book? Also, is Tim a good brother?

Dally: This might have been asked but how many times have you been to jail?

Tiffany, how does it feel to be having a meeting with all the outsiders?

That's all for now! Thanks so much for this story!
leidypereira7890 chapter 8 . 6/18/2012
U NEED TO UPDATE MORE! IT ROCKS! This should be published.

Evie-how did u cheat on steve and how did he react? how did he find out. DID U LOSE UR VIRGINITY STEVE? have u and steve ever u know...done it?

Sandy-were u drunk when u cheated on soda? possibly on drugs. did u feel bad. or r u really just a slut? who did u cheat on? was it buck? have u n soda ever done it?

Dally- i don't know if this is a touchy subject for u but where is ur mom? if she ran out on u have u evr thought of looking for her.

Pony- a fanfic writer wrote about u having lukemia. how do u feel about that?

Jhonny-still my fav always will be!

Darry- my best friend says u look like u could pulvirse somebody but on the inside ur a very big hugabble teddy bear.

Steve-really bro. open ur own shop up. u'd get like a billion of customers no joke.

Sodapop- not sure y but all my friends say that out of all the gand ur like the slut...i don't think ur a slut. i just think ur a hunk and goodlookin nothing wrong wit that.

Tim&Curly&Angela- Were is ur dad?

Bob-asshole. u might be stinking rich but when me and dally r finished wit u, u'll be unrecognizable beacuse of how disformed u'll look. then we'll force u to sign a cotract to give all ur money to the curtis. Darry u can finally make it to college.

Cherry- I dont hate u. in fact i like u. but realize, they like u for ur money. pony liked u for who u r.

Marcia- Do u envy cherry in any kind of way. be honest.

Randy- out everybody in the whole movie tv show and book, u seem the most weekest.

Tiff: I love ur story u r doing great! contact me in my email if u ever need any help! . Non is capatilized.
flameygirl21 chapter 4 . 6/15/2012
Nice story XD and now for questions! :D

Two-Bit- Would you consider possibly being friends or going out with me even if I am a brunette? I'm cool if you just want to be friends because I would love to be friends with you ;D and also what would you do if somebody pantsed you (undergarments and all) on live TV? (also how about a hug? I swear, I'm no Mary-Sue, just a brunette ;D)

Bob: Seriously bitch, why do you have to be such an ass-hat all the time to everybody. Money ain't everything and I hope you die alone and I'll spit on your grave.

Dally: What would be your first reaction if you woke up in the arms of an enormously obese, naked woman and was restrained by a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs?

Ponyboy: Do you ever find yourself wishing you could be a wizard worthy of Harry Potter?

Darry: How about a dare? I dare you to go to the nearest market, purchase a box of ultra sized tampons wearing a ridiculous ensemble of hot pink leopard print hooker pants and a few sizes too small pink shirt that says "I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!" And if you refuse to do this dare, I shall tell the world that your middle name is Cheyanne and you are secretly a woman. ;D

Steve: Since you love cars so much, have you ever considered fucking one just for the hell of it?

Everbody: (Warning: Band Geek) If you were all band geeks (no offense, just hypothetically) what instrument would you play?

Well, that's all for me ;D Keep on writing!
R3ACH4theSky chapter 7 . 6/14/2012
Tiffany- I love this story! Keep up the good work!

Darry- if u got the chance, would u become a male underwear model?

Sodapop- I somewhat like u but I don't understand why girls like u so much! How do u do it!

Steve- I LOVE YOU! When I first saw you in the movie I was giggling like a mad woman! My friend tori thought I was going insane!(I doubt that u will go for a 14.5 year old girl though!) Pony needs to grow a pair and not take what u say and turn it into such a big deal!

Pony- no, I do not want to see ure mangina! But I do have a question for u. Would u marry cherry if she decided to stop ignoring u?

Twobit- Mickey mouse or blondes?

Dally- You Rock! u remind me of myself somehow... So ure cool I guess... But I have a question. Doesn't it seem a little odd that u are killing ure self for another man?

Johnny- u r adorable! Okay so if you didn't die, and u ended up crippled, how would u feel? (next time ure parents hit u tell them they have me to deal with!)

The Outsiders- who would you kiss kill and marry out of the gang.
leidypereira7890 chapter 8 . 6/14/2012
I have nothing else to say other than u have blown my mind. U rock. U r so f-ing asweome. Also. Im new at this fanfiction thing and all that so I wanna ask a questions from here.

Pony-(Spoiler)did u know that in the t.v series u lost ur virginity on a fishing trip with buck and darry.

Jhonny-I am in love wit you! If ur looking for a girl it would totaly be me. Im sweet,nice,a bit shy but a bitch when i need to be. U rock and it's ur parents loss for not loving you. They dont know that they gave birth to the most aswomest child ever! P.s I'm like way to young for you. Younger than ponyboy, but would u still love me as a sisterly figure?

Dally-BadASS! U f-ing rock!

Steve-Soy Cubana. Vengo de primero mayo y es super que sabes el espanol. Muchas jenet me confunde por mexciana. I think you and soda should probaly open up ur own garage.

Darry-Get a girlfriend! I wanna be the flower or ring girl when u get married!

Two-Bit-I love mickey mouse to. The old version. Now mickey is a stupid retard who needs my help for almost everything! Blind mouse! Always asking me where things are at.

Sodapop- U rock! U r hot! U should know that Sandy is stupid for leaving u. U'll find somebody who is worth it out there! Keep on rocking dude!

Tim&Curly-I just downright love u guys. I've never seen Curlys face but i think u might turn out to be cute. real cute!

Angela-I just love u! I love how u can be nice but a badass bitch when u need to be! U go girl!

All the socs-bob ur an ass. I dont care if u have money coming out of ur ass! still no reason for u to be mean. u can call me watever u want but i'll let u know, u mabey older than me. I'm eleven but i'm profesinally trained in karate. i will ram my foot up ur ass if u keep being such an ass. srry i can get wild sometimes..

Cherry-what happened. Ur friends only like u because ur like them rich and spoiled. pony like u for who u r. if ur friends don't talk to u because ur seeing a greaser than they never were ur friends. friends love u unconditanlly like the greaser gang.

Marcia-Spoiler)in the series do u know that u n sodapop hook up.

Randy-ur an okay guy. My friend is loctosan or whtv the freak u spell it.

(To the gang)I see all of u as brotherly figures! when the book ended i felt so sad 'cause i felt like i went through so much with u guys even though i wasn't there personaly...U guys still rock!

I need to go now. Gonna go to MD (McDonalds)! Peace a load of questions coming ur way nxt time! Some for evie and sandy to! Luv Yalls!
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