Reviews for A Britta Tryptich
kit chapter 3 . 6/6
YES. FINALLY. someone sees it.
JustDanny chapter 3 . 4/29/2012
I love it!
lemonjelly chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
You are an excellent writer, but I have enjoyed this Britta/Annie chapter most of all. It was just so delicate and precise and really very sweet.
montycrowley chapter 2 . 11/12/2010
Haha, I went straight for the Abed/Britta chapter before reading this one! (Because Abed/Britta is and forever will be my Community OTP.)

This story was very well-written and believable, thanks for the good read! I like how you weave in details from previous episodes, too. A little shout-out. ;)
montycrowley chapter 3 . 11/12/2010

Favorite lines, in no particular order, and please excuse me while I fangirl over your story:

"But that look… well, there was some woman out there who was missing out because if Abed looked at a woman like that and meant it, she would be done for."

"She laughed self-deprecatingly as he calmly wrapped her hand in both of his."

"Britta sipped her coffee in silence, enjoying the flavor of a good conscience. While she was not truly sure the free trade goods actually tasted different, they were so easy for her to like." (This captures Britta's personality so well.)

I love the mentions of Britta's feminist leanings. It made me realize another reason why I love Britta/Abed: he wouldn't be miffed by her crazy feminism. That's a part of who Britta is, even though at times it may only seem like a way to cover her sensitivity. They accept each other, darnit! :) I 3 the touchy-feely moments here. They're just so comfortable around each other, it's amazing. And you're amazing for writing this.
cherrygurl1225 chapter 3 . 11/6/2010
Awww, Britta/Abed/movies! Britta paid for the popcorn because it "most appealed to her feminist leanings." YES. LOVE that! I adore feminist Britta.

You wrote so many cute moments between them here and I love how Britta was scared and she held Abed's hand. Also, Abed explaining all of the film stuff during the films to Britta amused me. I wish he could be around during all of my film lectures. Then I'd get all A's for sure!

Also love their free trade coffee date and admitting that they like each other. "The way you like Jeff Winger?" Awww. Made my Jeff/Britta shipper heart happy. I always knew Abed was pro Jeff/Britta and though I'm not a Britta/Abed shipper, I can see something like this happening. It's just really sweet!

Please write more Britta-centric stories. I really enjoy your writing style and interpretation of Britta. She's my favorite character. Gillian's just awesome!
cherrygurl1225 chapter 2 . 11/6/2010
OK, I finally understand who Savion Glover is! Had to read the story a few times before I got it, but I don't mind cuz Britta/Troy are my secondary Britta ship and I love reading stories about them. This story was SO adorable! Awww... I'm also definitely a fan of Britta/Troy/dancing. That's their thing. Always will be. Dancing with Savion Glover! Perfect!

Haha, LOVE how you managed to get all the Glover jokes in there. Donald AND Danny Glover are Troy's cousins? Who knew? Kidding. But that was awesome. I wonder if Troy knows about Derrick Comedy. ;)

Aww, that kiss was unexpected and so sweet! Love that Savion signed Britta's tap shoes and they walked away with Troy's arm around Britta's back. My shipper heart was so happy with all of the subtleties you put in here. This story was an absolute delight to read. Thank you! :)
cherrygurl1225 chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
Finally reviewing these. I'm not a Britta/Annie romance fan, but I managed to enjoy this story. I think it was kinda adorable because I feel like Annie and Britta also have contrasting personalities, but unlike the differences between Britta and Jeff. I still feel as though Annie is portrayed as a very young character on the show, though I feel that Vaughn helped her grow a bit. But I think with Britta it's different. Britta can bring out a different side of Annie, a side that Annie doesn't know exists within her. Definitely proves Pierce's lesbian theory, huh?

Loved the line about Jeff and Britta's "duh off". I don't know why that amused me so much! The hand-holding and smiling bits at the end were really sweet, too. Thanks for a wonderful first chapter!
Edna E Mode chapter 3 . 11/3/2010
This was so, so good! The description of Abed in the movie theatre made me giggle because...that's how I am when I'm looking for a seat ( I guess there's a reason why I love Abed so much! :P). And, even if it was just an excuse to be alone with Britta, I totally would buy that horrors give Troy nightmares *pets Troy*...the last conversation was just another example of how well you write Abed: the way he observes people he cares for and knows the details about them but can't quite fill the gaps...lovely!

This series was such a great read, I'm sad it's over! Thanks for writing it!
Edna E Mode chapter 2 . 11/1/2010
Aw, I told you that Britta/Troy are my Community OTP, but I guess it's actually an OT3: Britta/Troy/dancing! This chapter was so sweet, I could totally feel their excitement about the show and being the ones invited to dance by Savion Glover! And Troy asking him to sign Britta's shoes was such a lovely detail!

Also loved all the Glover jokes-Abed would approve!
Edna E Mode chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
First of all: yay, Britta lovefest! I'm especially looking forward to Britta/Troy!

This first part was adorably sweet, and very believable!