Reviews for Looking Through Another's Eyes
Razzledazzy chapter 3 . 4/7/2011
I love it whole heartedly.
dancing elf chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
good job
dancing elf chapter 3 . 2/27/2011
i am enjoying this please continue
Tobiath Wyborn chapter 3 . 1/29/2011
gah this is so confusing!
Tobiath Wyborn chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
Pandemonium09 chapter 3 . 12/15/2010
I haven't had much time to write a review for the updated chapter yet, but I'm off of school now for break. I noticed that you added some other things. I feel sorry for Jounouchi's friends. It seems like they are getting the burt end of things. I'm curious to know If you plan on following the same story plot as your original version of the story or If you are only taking parts from it to add to the newer version.
Redemptress chapter 3 . 12/6/2010
*laughs* You're good. You're very good.

I hadn't come across the original fic, but I gotta tell you, I'm really warming to this one. You've got a good style going here, and I'm loving all those Seto/Jou moments you're throwing in!

I also like the detail you add, you spend a good amount of time writing about their personal lives as well, and its giving me more of a insight as to maybe why they sometimes behave the way they do, and not many fanfics do that. So, well done there. :)

I think I'll stick around for a while longer to see how these two get on, so goodluck with the next chapter as always,and hopefully you might have it up soon!

MissAlandra chapter 3 . 12/5/2010
Oooh, this is going to be so much fun! And I bet Kato is going to get a punch soon~ Kaiba doesn't have all the tender family feelings Jou does. And I really can't wait to see Jou at Kaiba Corp xD
Solosorca chapter 3 . 12/5/2010
oh these two suck at trying to be each other XD I love how Katsuya is actually trying, whilst Seto seems to not care at all lol.
ChaniaGo chapter 3 . 12/4/2010
yeey you!

kaiba meant the fuming of his own eyes? It's kinda confusing xD

but I like it so much.. the rest of the story would be like you make it before? or are you changing stuff?

can you add more kato scenes? you write them so well, I enjoy reading them

and thnx for everything
OtEpShAmAyA chapter 3 . 12/3/2010
Hey, thanks for mentioning me at the bottom there. Lol. I really do love this story. I love how they're making each other look so shady right now. :D It's hilarious. I feel bad for Jou's friends, though, getting their heads bitten off like that. I can't wait for more Jou and Seto moments! EEEEEK! Lol. That was the squeal of a fangirl haha. This story is getting really good. I need to start doing some homework now, though. I kinda got distracted when I saw you'd updated. I was soooooo stoked! Please update soon. Keep up the good work!
Luiz4200 chapter 3 . 12/3/2010
I knew Jou wasn't very bright but I kinda expected him to at least know how far Kaiba goes with challenging authority.
Lily272 chapter 3 . 12/3/2010
I love how they're fighting and when Kaiba screams at Jou's friends in the middle of class. I really love it, it's so like Kaiba to be like that. I wonder when Mokie will find out what's going on. I think he might be the first to notice he's already on to Jou. By the way I really pitied Jou. I hate coffee too and couldn't have gotten it down.
Inyoface chapter 2 . 11/29/2010
Uii, I'm loving this story, it is soo cool!

I love your writing, and how you manage to keep them all in character.

The fight scenes between Jounouchi and kaiba are hilarious! I like those.

And anzu, lol, such a ditz! I like bakura in this too, he's really bada*ss.
Lily272 chapter 2 . 11/26/2010
Very good story can't wait to see what happens next
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