Reviews for Undeniable Attraction
DramaDragon2 chapter 23 . 2/8/2015
I love this story so much, and I'm sad that it looks like it's done. I really wish you could come back, take a look at it and continue on. I'm dying to know what happens next in this story. Love what you're doing and hope you continue on soon, maybe.
Goddess of The Seekers chapter 23 . 8/31/2013
Love the story so far.
Can't wait for the next chapters!
yaoi fangirl0707 chapter 23 . 4/4/2013
I just loved your story! I cried when Yuki and Kyo broke up but I was so happy when everything worked out in the end! Now, though, I just want to know how Kagura will react and also how the how school will take finding out about those two... Will everyone take Kagura's side, thinking that Kyo cheated on her or something while they were 'dating' or will they learn the truth about her blackmailing 'neko'...?
Personally I never really liked Kagura and I just love how you made her to be. Also kyo and Yuki are just so cute together! It's so sweet how they act around each other when they're together! So cuteeee!
Anyway! Great job and I hope to see more from you!
DevoraDeath chapter 3 . 1/24/2013
luv it! its funny, hot and serious in some weird way... its perfect!:D
EmeraldStar-goddess chapter 23 . 10/14/2012
I finally caught up with this story and oh my gosh it just keeps getting better and better. Finally Yuki and Kyo are free to be with each other I'm so happy, and Kyo admitted to loving Yuki yay! _ I can't wait for your next post :) :)
artistgurl32436754 chapter 23 . 8/25/2012
Ahhhh! I LOVE THIS STORY! Please don't end it yet!
Rayla chapter 1 . 7/17/2012
Read all of it and i didn't want to stop reading. The wrong style is very good between the different point of views u make it easy to tell on from another. Also like your English terms in the reading. Very good all in all. Just wondering what happened with kugura. I was waiting for when yuki came out that she was going to find kyo threaten him the feel stupid when everyone already knows about them being togeather. Should write more and for your first yaoi it was good.
SmilingSkullStudios chapter 6 . 7/7/2012
I feel for Kyo and Yuki my dad died right in front of me when I was 9.
SmilingSkullStudios chapter 4 . 7/7/2012
What Kyo said was funny! 'Fan-Fucking-Tastic'
SmilingSkullStudios chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
Sweet, Awesome, Wonderfuly Unique!
FYI chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
Just a warning to all, a group called Critics United is currently going around and mass reporting on ANY story they deem to be breaking FF rules. This includes, but is not limited to: stories with MA or above rated content, though now they're claiming any kind of lemon is breaking the rules, Songfic's, any story that seems “Semi-hostile” to them, any story that has a “disregard for grammar”, and any stories with polls, authors notes, or otherwise in place of an actual chapter update, you could even end up accidentally putting your story into what they view as being the “incorrect category” and they’ll report you for it. The stories are being deleted with little to no warning given, often within hours of one of their members locating it. If you want try to help stop the "cleansing" of this site and protest their bullying go to: www . change petitions/ fanfiction-net-stop-the-destruction-of-fanfiction-net and sign the petition in hopes of helping to stop the destruction of FF . net! Also, in case your interested, theirs places like: media miner, archive of our own . org, and adult fanfiction . net where you could post your stories as a back up, but hopefully you won't have to worry about it to begin with!
AzucenaXshadows chapter 23 . 6/9/2012
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was so sweet

you know I'm with kyo

yuki almost gave me heart attack when he start crying

I was going to cry with him for a different reason lol

but none the less I loved it

and look forward to the next chap.
KawaiiOtakuChick chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
Good chapter, but at one point instead of "definitely" you put "defiantly" and they are two different words.
Firevein chapter 23 . 5/29/2012
Aaaah... So cute...

Yearning for more...
Kitty Bane chapter 23 . 5/29/2012
Awwww that was adorable! I loved that so much!
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