Reviews for Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
Swiftlet in the Cloud chapter 1 . 3/31/2017
This was just full of adorable fun and goodness. Love the quality James and Sirius bonding. I can totally believe it with those two, reckless Gryffindor idiots, taking their school Motto to heart. Love it. Thanks for sharing.
DeepCrimson76 chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
Very well-written. And hilarious. Really. I was lol-ing like mad (actually laughing out loud. The 'gods of quidditch’ bit particularly had me in stitches for some reason. (The titles, James' new hair-do, Sirius...) Which really wasn't good 'cause I'm using a computer in the library and the person beside me (who was working on an actual assignment or thesis or some other nonsense), well, he kept giving me weird looks. Yeah, he's gone now...).

Anyway, loved your characterisations - this is exactly how I picture them. Particularly Sirius, because I'm in love with him. (Hehe, the flowers in James hair - lol, again). Yes, very well written. Very well put together. The general message here is that it was absolutely brilliant and funny and I'm going to see what else you've come up with.
Alaude2019 chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
Hilarious! You write James and Sirius so perfectly. :3
PenBeatsSword chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
He was an idiot too. Hehee. I love this story, ten thumbs up!
Japonica chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
You're back! Hah and I was thinking about you yesterday as I was in Cardiff and the sun was shining and I wondered where you were.

You were here posting old fics all along! Well I never!

I was smiling whilst reading this, I do love their banter.

Anyway hope that you are well sweetie and that I speak to you soon.