Reviews for Triangle
ChordOverstreetFan chapter 10 . 12/30/2018
Well, I do dislike her because she did TRY to make James take the fall for her in Big Time Girlfriends when they were both in the wrong. It was an accident that they both regretted immediately so why the fear?
mspstar97 chapter 10 . 8/12/2013
I really liked this! And, I'm glad that there was no couple in the end. The boys' friendship is all that matters here... Great job! :)
Skye chapter 9 . 8/1/2012
ok you said that this chapter was gay and stupid and it was totally NOT it was so sweet and sad i cried the whole time!
CelestialSonata7 chapter 10 . 6/15/2012
Wow, I really liked this story! I was entertaining the idea of James and Camille for a while myself. I love how you handled it. And naturally, I love the ANGST! :D

I also love the friendship. So good! Like Logan said, friends make the world go 'round. :D

This story was very good and the ending was very cute. I liked it. :)
VoicesInTheWind chapter 10 . 5/3/2011
This is awesome! I think I actually like this better than what happened on the show. I'm just not a big fan of Camille.

And of course Logan wins! The ending was just the exact right amount of cheesy - friendship prevails!

angela chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
amazing *-*
PurpleRain98 chapter 10 . 1/22/2011
Aaaw camille and Logan! Even though she was a nasty person and it was kinda fake that kiss was adorable. How did you do that? Love it! x :)
PurpleRain98 chapter 5 . 1/20/2011
*blissful sigh* kendalls amazing...

Omg I love this chapter and the one before, but I couldn't review that one cos my pc acted up. SO MUCH ANGST! Love it.
xEryChan chapter 10 . 1/8/2011
Wow! This story was awesome!

I've been reading this story since about five. It seriously took me fours hours to read this story and I was so into it. I loved the emotional angst in this story (Although I'm more of fan of Carlos angst, Logan is my second character from BTR!) and your descriptions were fantastic were fantastic.

I also have to say, Carlos was epic in this chapter. That's four times while I was reading this and he had me cracking up. He's so awesome!

Ok, this story was genius and I'm so happy I took the time out to read it. I enjoyed it so so much and you can be sure that I will be adding this to my faves. I'm also looking forward to reading some other fics you have written cause this one was genius.

Great job & Keep it up! 8DD
don'ttrysohardtosaygoodbye chapter 10 . 12/23/2010
Niiiiiice :))
The Poison Sunflower chapter 10 . 12/8/2010
:( I'm sad because it over... But I really loved this chapter, James and Logan are friends again! YEY! and when the jennifers said that the three of them weren't actually friends, that IS something they'd say. Also, that movie that was mentioned at the end, "Miracle" was that the movie about that hockey team? I only ask becase we saw that movie in health class and it inspired me to write a James angst fanfic XD, anyway, before I leave the longest review in history, GREAT JOB!
CalmMindedFellow chapter 10 . 11/24/2010
sorry i have comment really late, but rather late than never right ha-ha. Anyway, I would have rather if Logan and Camilles relationship ended like this rather how they ended it in Big Time Girlfriends it makes tons more sense ha-ha, once again MissFenway you have done a splendid job and this story was extremely entertaining :)
Uhh chapter 9 . 11/22/2010
I totally live your story and I'm not trying to be a dick, but why are you so hard on Camille? She couldn't help the way she felt about James and even if she didn't tell James about her feelings they still would have been there, and that wouldn't have been fair to Logan either way. And her not taking the blame? Well she obviously fell out of love with Logan and in love with James. I mean they hardly even acted on their feelings and shit blew up around them. But like, Camille was expecting James to love her back as much as she did cause he sure acted like it. And wether Camille and James went into a relationship or my she didn't have feelings for Logan anymore. plain and simple. And she was excited to start a relationship with James and he effffing deads her like that! Rudde. He shouldn't have made a promise to Camille he couldn't keep. no one can control their feelings but in really disappointed at how James handled the situation. And p.s. If you constantly choose your friends over someone you love, you will end up being forever alone. Not good.
CM chapter 10 . 11/21/2010
I have to say, I am super surprised at the Camille you've portrayed in this story, as compared to your other ones. But, I have to...approve also! It's definitely a nice change and this story already has enough angst/bro-love w/o adding more romance and depth and craziness that the Camille/Logan/James triangle would've had had you wanted to continue.

This story has made a nice, and light (in the later chappies) plot.

So, great work! Here is a pack of virtual cookies for you hands over author's fav cookies :-D
Ahh chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
Amazingggg ! Omg
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