Reviews for Ghostly Phenomenon
CoffeePikachu chapter 5 . 8/15/2016
Cupcake? Brownies? Cookies!? I'm in!
Sarcastic Derp chapter 9 . 3/27/2015
I believe I have discovered the crack part of .
But Yuu doing a handstand sounds hot. :P
MaxAngelOfDeatb chapter 3 . 2/23/2014
O.O'... You make Allen seem more crazy than Road.
notreally chapter 6 . 7/12/2013
Get help women/man? I really don't know.
Guest chapter 14 . 12/24/2012
The hell. This is honestly fucked up shit. You have more cocked up dialogue between you are your gay ass chaps than you do the story.
How about grow a pair and get back on the gay arse plot?
Seriously. I feel the fucking urge to quit this and fucking leave. I think I will actually.
So next time try and prevent making half the chapters pointless crack. Actually, cracks funny and this is not.
So shit. Prevent making half shit.
Not bad as an
author but bad job sticking to the plot.
Guest chapter 18 . 11/17/2012
Like omfg what the hell were ya'll on when you wrote this. It fried my freaking brain. Funny as hell and yet had a bitter sweet side as well. I liked just in the begaining and up to chapter 18 I was confused as hell. I gives ya'll cookies for doing that
lederp chapter 2 . 6/24/2012
Allen remind me of Prussia with his awesomeness/epicness *shot*
The 14th Undertaker chapter 5 . 5/27/2012
HOLY CRAP! That was SO funny!
Shadow Storyteller chapter 3 . 12/24/2011
Honestly, right now, Kanda sounds more like Lavi -_-

Still, I like it.
PissyNovilest chapter 20 . 11/20/2011
O.o this thing killed my brain. It was the most messed up thing I have read. How high where all of you when you wrote this? Are you guys on meds? do you like sharpies? Did you gays have too much sugar?
Badee Badaa Doo chapter 18 . 8/13/2011
Um 'Kay hold on a second *paces around for a minute*






I just got mind raped _

Ow my poor brain just broke from all this crack *whimpers*

I think I need a couple of minutes to sum this up *does The Thinker pose*


The whole thing wasn't real *falls of chair* crap I didn't see that coming...

Well it explains the unicorn/pokemon/THING *sweatdrop*

But, I liked the past thatyou made up for Allen *giggles* he was sent to the mental asylum *giggles*

Overall, my sanity just went out the window and just relized that Allen's mind is seriously fucked up (excuse language)

That was a good Yullen story even though the whole think was like crack, so why was I trearing up at the end?

*sigh* Just wanna kind out more about Allen's traumatizing life *gasps* There will be a sequel!

kim-onka chapter 19 . 8/1/2011
This story is amusing for its sheer absurd and chaotic unexpectedness... There are always people ready to check out a Yullen, and they stay to see what else you can come up with. I did, although I'm anti-Yullen. The one thing I don't understand is why you decided to conceal such a twisted comedy by marking it tragedy/spiritual. Nonetheless, the story was entertaining and I think a sequel could be fun :D
TheWayOfLife chapter 7 . 7/31/2011
I really like your writing style. Very refreshing.
Vampire Shiver chapter 18 . 7/19/2011
Hello I'm Shiver,

I just wanted to say that for this story you seemed to have wasted alot of the pages with useless gobble that have nothing to do with the story line. It would seem that you are more interested in just talking to yourself than actually writing the story.

I would suggest that you actually write the story and write usefull things in the Authors Notes such as things that may explain your story more. (eg You may have some Japanese words, leave a defenition of what they are) Or maybe just a short Please R/R and If your going away tell your readers.

You don't have to do this I just thought it would be good advice. Thankyou )
Athanasia26 chapter 18 . 6/17/2011



I'm still confused.
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