Reviews for Throne Agent
Axton Dragunov chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
This is an amazing story it really humanizes the people of the 40k universe although the actual dialogue is not very lore friendly you seem to forget that the Inquisition and chaplains would have said Heidrich's lover deserved to be executed because she showed compassion to a suspected heretic it would make more sense if a commissar showed the compassion to him rather than the inquisitor. This is still a great work though no doubt about it
BIBOTOT chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
This is a bit hard to read, with too many dialogues everywhere and paragraphs rudely curtailed. Hope you fix that.
Eipok chapter 17 . 11/15/2012
Wow... I was expecting some kind of twist like this, and I knew the ship had an AI or some other kind of sapient entity inhabiting it, and I'd even come to the conclusion that Lunelle had somehow found Atrielle in-transit and assimilated her, but nice twists nonetheless!

I really want more, and I have to say that this honestly is good enough to get into the Black Library (I don't use BL, because that stands for Boys Love, and this story definitely isn't that). Great work, and I can't wait for you to update.
Vengeful Soldier chapter 17 . 5/23/2012
Good chapter, it's nice to see Krieg portrayed correctly. I like the story, it flows well, and is a good read.
Vengeful Soldier chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
Great story, it's nice to see some guardsmen from Krieg represented correctly.
the Reader chapter 15 . 7/6/2011
Hmm, you've lost me a little here. It seems the past and a certain faction has come back to haunt the Lady. Also some interesting revelations about her. Trying to see where you're going with this new element added to the story. Looking forward to more.
the Reader chapter 14 . 6/20/2011
Interesting, looks like you're setting the stage to transition to something big. Look forward to more.
Ozzie81 chapter 14 . 6/18/2011
Ooooh Astartes, man you just keep spicing things up.

Riveted, and eagerly waiting for the next bit!
Hellraptor chapter 14 . 6/18/2011
"Vok demonstrated enough firepower to annihilate a good half of Battlefleet Calixis." - ahem, you know, that battlefleet Calixis consists of thousands of battle ships, including 8km long ones armed with planetkiller weaponry. No single ship can claim to be able to take on such fleet. Even necron World Engine(planet sized deathstar) failed to defeat similar battlefleet.

Otherwise, a great story.
Beerhammer chapter 13 . 6/15/2011
Nice, its about to get even more interesting.
Hellraptor chapter 8 . 6/15/2011
Awesome story so far! Keep up the great work!
Ozzie81 chapter 13 . 6/14/2011
You've done a phenominal job of creating a plot with well structured arcs. The writing style is lucid and flows very well.

Most importantly you've developed great characters that are sympathetic and well rounded. Can't wait for the next installment, keep it up!
the Reader chapter 13 . 6/14/2011
*Standing Ovation*

Loved it, great update!
Stormcrow chapter 12 . 4/30/2011
Really cool fiction, I'd say same standard as Black Library fiction. Surprised at the relatively low number of reviews, I guess people like some of the other infantile garbage that gets posted here.
beerhammer chapter 12 . 4/29/2011
Great fiction, waiting for more.
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