Reviews for Like Father
LillyHalliwell chapter 30 . 3/23/2019
Wow! Loved the ending!
Sabi2 chapter 24 . 3/17/2019
Soo... I guessed smoothies as soon as the doctor said drugs lol.
Sabi2 chapter 21 . 3/17/2019
Ah hahaha. You do love cliffies XD And I love this story
Ponytaco chapter 30 . 8/21/2018
One of the best stories I’ve read so far! I’m not good at those reviews with all the details and stuff you missed about psych or how you could have fixed certain things because I honestly have no clue how, what I do know is that this story was amazing with perfect ‘scenes’ that seemed to fit the show amazingly. If we had gotten this instead of what we had in the end of season 5 I would have, shhh don’t tell anyone, but I would have loved this more!
Dianne chapter 30 . 1/18/2018
I know this story was written long ago but I thought I'd review anyway. This is one of the finest Psych fics I've read. Your storytelling was outstanding and reads like a canon episode of the show. The relationship between Shawn and Juliet was masterfully done with just the right amount of longing and angst about what being involved with Juliet would mean to her safety. The excuse about not being over Abigail was so heartfelt and that Juliet didn't necessarily believe it was a good touch. Gus and Shawn's friendship was portrayed perfectly and I love that you didn't make overly wimpy, he was brave but cautious and kept in canon. The moment when Shawn thought Henry was Yang was amazing and was an "I wish I"d thought of that," moment for me. The poisoned pineapple smoothies was a great tie in to make it make sense. I loved the different take on Yin and Yang. The Mary character was sinister and written well and that she killed the other Mary was chilling. Thank you so much for an enjoyable evening of reading. Your chapter lengths were awesome and your hard work and dedication to finishing this great tale is appreciated. You deserve so many more reviews. Just outstanding.
tvd1992 chapter 24 . 9/11/2017
I knew that something up with this smoothies there's no reason for them to be mentioned in every chapter like that
Blah chapter 30 . 8/7/2017
Great story the only thing I didn't like was how Shawn and juilet didn't get together till the end , I would have put them together at the end of act 1 and Jules would deal with the secret in act 2 blah blah blah
Sreya chapter 30 . 7/19/2017
Okay, finished. I loved this! And I think the twist of Yin trying to "recruit" Shawn is a lot more satisfying than the actual Yin/Yang resolution. It really plays with that idea of duality and balance. Not that the show was bad with it, but now that I've read this, there's oh so much more here!
Sreya chapter 24 . 7/19/2017
Oh, you laid out the clues about the smoothies MASTERFULLY! It felt completely innocent, just a goofball quirky thing, but once it came out that he was being regularly drugged with something, I immediately thought of the smoothies. That's exactly how a mysterious revelation should work. Bravo!
Guest chapter 25 . 7/26/2015
This is going to sound nitpick-y and I'm sorry, but Rubik's cube isn't spelled with an x. Great story though one of my favorites.
Superpsych96 chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
This opener was pretty great, not gonna lie.
Taylor chapter 10 . 7/16/2014
I do kinda hate you but not in a bad way (if that makes sense). But the way how everything is written makes everything feel so real. You have the character spot on from describing them to how they talk. These are really spectacular. Thanks for writhing them :)
Rook chapter 30 . 8/13/2013
That was way better than the actual Psych episode! Why can't you write for the show?! Because if you ask me, the shows been lacking in recent years. Shawn used to be so smart and witty and charming. Now he's kind of a jerk, childish in a not-so-funny way, and too stupid for a guy with his talents. It's just not the same. I like your style better. Great job!
in stars chapter 30 . 3/12/2013
This was such a great story! Gahh, it was perfectly angsty and shules-y and really engaging too! The plot flowed so well, and I couldn't put my laptop down till I finished. You're a really great writer. The think I like most about Psych fanfiction is that it's like extra psych, but there's more room for angst and details, while in the show they can only go so far because it's supposed to be, above all, a comedy. This fic went above and beyond all my expectations, so thanks for writing it and amazing job :)
Cayology chapter 30 . 10/15/2012
Fantastic story! So intense, with great characterization!
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