Reviews for Afraid Of The Dark
Guest chapter 8 . 12/7/2017
This is such a great story . And yes I have been following it dice it was posted way back when on the BuffynFaith website. I know it's been 4 years and you might have 17 kids and numerous ex's and no time for wtiting, but damn I would love to read a conclusion to all this. Faith taken by the Initiative, Giles kidnapped by God knows what. Oz possibly dead, and Buffy in a pissed off rage. Please if you still write. Please, please please finish this . Pretty please with chocolate chip cookies still warm from the oven on top.
bjchit chapter 8 . 11/23/2017
Man, you have to update this story, it's one of the best one's on here.
linnc chapter 8 . 6/3/2014
Come on! Please finish this. Can't leave us like this :(
Saul Good chapter 7 . 2/26/2014
The bathroom scene had me going everywhere emotionally! Cheesy sweetness to terrifying in a few lines? Fan-frickin-tastic
Azirahael chapter 8 . 6/25/2013
Getting good.
Looking forward to the next update.
electric2book chapter 8 . 5/30/2013
Love how accurate your character portrayal is! Please continue this story, I'm hooked :D
SilentlySlaying chapter 8 . 4/22/2013
A light-hearted scene between Buffy and Joyce at the start… closely followed by a runaway rollercoaster of everything going wrong.

Faith was in unhinged rage mode. Not surprised Buffy was losing patience with her, and her no-show stunt probably won't have won over too many people either after that outcome. Which was about an eight on the “Umm, oops?” scale. If I was an Oz fan I'd probably be worried for him. But I'm not. :p

Buffy held it together well considering Giles had vanished and she was getting nothing but grief from Faith (Who could have been a teensy bit more supportive under the circumstances). So yay for Buffy. I'll even let her off for the “unrequited romantic feelings” comment. Not the nicest thing to say, but Faith probably deserved it.

There's an unfinished sentence - look for “surface and she”. Then another one seven lines down. Just so you know. :)

I look forward to 2014's instalment. :O
SilentlySlaying chapter 7 . 4/16/2013
So, somehow I missed the “One month ago” notice (Yes, even though it's in bold. I am actually that useless) which left me slightly confused until I went back to check, which happened around the point I was thinking “Really, Buffy? You reject her and then straddle her? Is that really appropriate behaviour?” But I digress... the two of them relaxing and being (mostly) comfortable with each other was cute. And Faith spending her first (ever?) pay cheque getting Buffy a gift. :)

I like the way you wrote the bathroom scene. With the initial tension I thought it was going to be big bad related, but then as it went on I got sucked into it and kind of forgot about that being an option. And then it happened. That's got to be depressing. Finding the courage to open up and all for nothing. As if being banged up and almost drowning wasn't enough. :(

So there are either multiple of these things or there's just the one and its only swanning around the Initiative to get in Walsh's head and leaving when it sees fit.
SilentlySlaying chapter 6 . 4/7/2013
Whoa, long chapter. I can live with that.

I had a feeling when Riley appeared he was going to be used for jealousy to some extent, but even as this chapter progressed it kept me guessing - I had no idea how far it would go or where Buffy and Faith would be by the end of it. It started pretty light-hearted, and Faith's various reactions to Riley were funny (First the whole work-in-cemeteries conversation, which was laugh out loud funny. :D And the later “Looks worth a ride” comment. So completely Faith).

Things quickly turned bitter though. Faith instantly closing up was believable. And understandable, especially after the unintentional rejection in the previous chapter. The raw emotion in her “Tell me why” speech was sad. And then there was the moment were it seemed like they might kiss, but instead Faith had to make do with being squished. Really not her night. :( At least Buffy was trying to be understanding, even if she put her foot in it again near the end.

Nice cliffhanger ending – I'm now wondering what Giles got told.

P.S. Don't kill him. That wouldn't be nice.
SilentlySlaying chapter 5 . 3/24/2013
The big bad has been caught. Mission accomplished. Right? ...Probably not. :p I'm thinking either a) It causes an initiative implosion, or b) It gets fused with Adam.

I liked Riley on the show for the most part. Not enough to actually, you know, read a Riley story (Because that would be lunacy), but enough that's it's nice to see him making an appearance or two here.

You've done a good job so far of making Buffy and Faith “sound” different. I think it's pretty easy for them to kind of blend into one.

Aww (Of the good kind) at Faith offering to go and beat up Parker, and aww (of the bad kind) at Buffy laughing away Faith's nervous (semi-)confession. Buffy, you're so dim.
myshipsank chapter 8 . 3/11/2013
More please? This is an awesome story!
ship chapter 3 . 3/10/2013
Your humor is awesome, I must say. And the plot is keeping me guessing so far.
SilentlySlaying chapter 3 . 3/10/2013
Lots of dialogue, but all of it amusing and/or cute so that's just fine with me. :)

Faith was being pretty blatant a couple of times there. I wonder if Buffy thinks she's just teasing for teasing's sake (Or maybe Faith is just teasing at this point?).

Nice touch with the scared vamp, and with Faith angrily assuming it was referring to Buffy.
SilentlySlaying chapter 2 . 3/4/2013
Nice start. Liked the card playing. It made for an amusing intro, and I can imagine both of them being sore losers, even with something so insignificant.

The plot sounds intriguing. Interested to see how dark and/or creepy it's going to get, and whether the unknown evil will be corporeal (If so, I seem to recall there being a mention of some sort of creepy dwarf... :p) or not.

So, Faith has a job. I'm thinking... err... bodyguard for hire? OK, I have no idea.

Speaking of Faith, shame on her for ragging on Mr Gordo. Stuffed pigs deserve an education too.

Good dialogue between her and Buffy in both chapters. Faith did sound a little pissed at Buffy in the second chapter. I'll guess that's a side effect of whatever is happening to them rather than the result of any unresolved season 3 issues (As it's suggested they've been getting along all Summer).

I liked the description of the classroom-graveyard scene change in Buffy's nightmare. Felt like something that could easily have appeared in Restless.
Aquarius121 chapter 8 . 2/26/2013
You can't imagine how happy I was to see this update! I just got back from a little "vacation," trying to recover from various things...addiction, an eating disorder, and depression all wrapped up into one little basket case of crazy. To be able to just chill out and get lost in a story by my favorite author of Buffy/Faith fics was a relief. Thank you for brightening my first day/night back in the real world :) Now you just gotta update Not My Generation. Get to it P
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