Reviews for Life Goes On
kasia.dobosz.50 chapter 1 . 2/20/2014
I love this!
SkyStarVenus chapter 20 . 12/10/2012
Your story...It just leave me speechless. It's one of the most touching things I have ever read. Please continue to post. We would all love it.
Jennifer Bailey Sneed chapter 16 . 4/22/2012
About the casting; Yes. Yes I am. Except I like Josh Hutcherson. ...maybe not as Peeta though. *awkward silence* anyway, love the story!
PeetaMellarkAlways chapter 6 . 3/24/2012
oh my gosh all of the chapters so far have made me cry! Your an amazing author! (: keep it up!
mylovemiroku chapter 20 . 3/20/2012
Just found your story and finished the 20 ficlets you have up! So amazing and versatile that you can write in so many point of views. I admit the romantic ones are my favorite (I'm a sap too!). This one with Annie and Finnick was so good, I teared up a little at the end. I feel like their love story would have the same sound as the lament of a Phoenix (HP reference). I also enjoyed the one with Gale and his new love. I think fans would have liked to see him get a footing on something happy too. You do a great job of showing that everyone suffered after the war, I think it's hard to see in the story when it is told from Katniss and Peeta's storyline. Great work and hope to see more! :)
ReinaBorg chapter 20 . 11/4/2011
I love your fanfic. I hope you continue with it.
angels0ul chapter 20 . 7/25/2011
Oh lame... My last review either went through as an anonymous or didn't go through at all.

Hehe so I'll just reiterate... Love being brought into their world and it's all thanks to your writing.

Guest chapter 20 . 7/25/2011
I adored this chapter! Infact, I've adored every chapter you've written thus far. I'm so thankful for the mobile app for this site so I can escape to the world that you've created - even if it's only to be an observer.

I really like the style of how you've written this. But sometimes I do find myself thinking that Katniss isnt her stubborn self anymore.
Inume-blue chapter 20 . 6/28/2011
I get it. :) its sweet and yet so sad at the same time. I want them to be togeather always. but he will wait for her and then they can move on together :)
ThisIsTrueImmortality chapter 20 . 6/28/2011
I know how you feel-writing a romantic perspective from a man's POV is really hard. But I think you did a pretty good job. :) Your take on Ghost-Finnick is so original!
ThisIsTrueImmortality chapter 19 . 6/28/2011
Beautiful and accurate, as always. I hope you have Katniss and her mother come to some kind of understanding. It would be so tragic if they never saw each other again.
Munirabella chapter 20 . 6/27/2011
Wow, I loved the way you wrote this chapter. It was so amazing and heartbreakin. You did a great job!

Janethonfire chapter 8 . 6/27/2011
SERIOUSLY Suzanne Collins gots competition. Man i think ur amazing. looking up to u:) by the way Peeta Mellark3
Janethonfire chapter 1 . 6/27/2011
Luv it. I think you should definetly write more, maybe diffrent stuff:)
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 20 . 6/27/2011
Oh, I wasn't confused at all! You explained it very well and it made perfect sense. But that doesn't stop it from being any less heartbreakingly tragic. ;_; *Wails* Fiiinniiiick! Aaaanniieee! Their love was so perfect and sweet; why did he have to die! It's just so horribly unfair!

As a huge sucker for romantic fluff, I loved the scene with them on the beach, especially how Finnick turned Annie's random musing into a description of how beautiful she was. You sly charmer, you, Finnick. But it was so sweet, and it was all just a 'dream' (sort of) ... this is killing me! I want Finnick to stay with Annie, but I also want him to move on to the afterlife or whatever, so he can be at peace, rather than tormenting himself ... waaaaaaahhh.

I did spot several grammar mistakes, though, so I hope you won't mind terribly if I point them out. When you write a sentence in quotation marks, you need to end it with either a comma, exclamation point, or question mark. For example, in the sentence "Of course I exist, Annie" I croon, stroking her hair, you need a comma after Annie: "Of course I exist, Annie," I croon, stroking her hair. Also, in sentences like "I don't like it any more than you do". You need the period to be inside the quotation marks: "I don't like it any more than you do."

Anyway, an excellent chapter, though terribly sad. I'll be looking forward to more! :)
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