Reviews for From The Ashes
Lg1998 chapter 1 . 6/2
Great story. Very well written and researched. Two of my great uncles were in the army during that time. One was in General Patten’s tank division and participated in the liberation of Buchanwald, the other was in the 3rd army infantry and liberated Dachau. I interviewed them about their experiences and your characters reactions to what they saw matched my uncles reactions. I liked also how you had Jasper not believe the civilians when they said that they weren’t aware of the crimes. My great uncle said that Dachau ended at the towns outside wall; it was impossible for them not to know.
Other than that I liked Edward and Bella. You wove their love story together beautifully. It was nice that you showed what happened to the other soldiers; I do wish that you mentioned that nazi doctor got caught. Oh well. Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
Interesting story
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
I cant get over Edward taking about that whore. It doesn't bother him that she's a whore, what bothers him is that she has no spark?
Leilal chapter 1 . 7/28/2018
As a Jew and Hawaiian this touched me greatly, we should remember,and move twoard a better future for the keiki. Mahalo,Leilani
dadrithiad chapter 1 . 7/25/2018
What a great read. I swear, only a few paragraphs in and I’m already weepy. Sorry you had to cut some scenes because of nosy people who can’t use an M rating as a guide to avoid things that offend their sensibilities.
mory chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
This was fantastic and it does not have enough reviews. I usually never read stories that have less than 1,000 reviews but I took a chance and I'm glad I did. It's beautifully written and I can't wait to check out more of your stories but first I had to review. Thank you truly for this story...
dianscot chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
So powerful, disturbing, horrific. I've lost the courage to read immersive genocide accounts since having my girls. Just too many nightmares and traumatic flashbacks from what I've already read, which make it hard to function as I am required to. But I appreciate this smaller, shorter account. It's vital to remember.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
Hi it is very emotional story my moms dad is an hungrian born jew (1929) he was 13 when hitler and he lost his entire family in the gas chambers of awuchitz and he survived three camps until is liberation by the us military.
He is now working as a carpenter in Peth Tikva israel.
My name is Jonathan(Yonatan) Gilat
CandyCentric chapter 1 . 6/28/2014
Absolutely beautiful :)
NobodyLikeMe chapter 1 . 5/17/2014
That was beautifully written and contained a lot of good information. As the descendant of both Holocaust survivors and their less lucky family members, it was really nice to read a story that contained both the hope and the lingering pain following liberation
meelee72 chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
Oh man... I know I won't have the proper words to tell u how this story touched me.
Gut twisting, painful, heart breaking...
So well written.
The horrors that those people went thru. I can't even fathom.
Neither can I fathom pure evil.

U told such an important story in such a real, raw, yet beautiful way.

From the ashes... how fitting.
debslmac chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
loved this
silfran chapter 1 . 11/19/2013
"Gott im Himmel" oder wie wir meistens sagen. "Oh, mein Gott!" Der eine deutsche Satz passte wirklich gut.
Nun aber zu Deiner Geschichte. Ich habe sie nun das dritte Mal gelesen und möchte Dir hiermit einen großen Dank und meinen höchsten Respekt aussprechen. Es sollte vielmehr solche Erinnerungen geben, so schmerzhaft sie auch sein mögen. Es wird zu schnell vergessen und alles als selbstverständlich genommen.
Diese Steintreppe ist heute ein Denkmal in Gusen, man kann sie besichtigen (das ist gruselig, aber notwendig).
Und zum Schluss noch: Ich habe eine ähnlich aufrüttelnde Geschichte hier gelesen: "Bereit", in der Edward und Bella Polen sind und "freiwillig" Dienst bei einer Bäuerin leisten.
Ich fand es auch gut, wie Du für die englisch-sprechenden Leser Frauline (Fräulein) geschrieben hast, da wissen sie, wie man es aussprechen muss.
Ich weiß nicht, ob Du das überhaupt lesen kannst, wenn nicht, kann ich versuchen, ein bisschen englisch zu schreiben, aber es ist nicht so gut.
Many, many thanks for this wonderful story and many regards from Ines.
wanda cullen chapter 1 . 11/3/2013
CONGRATS! THIS IS A CLASSIC STORY,,IVE LEARNT A LOT OF NEW HISTORICAL FACTS,i love learnin history pieces n facts, N MIXT WIT TWILIGHT MEKS IT SUPERB! KIP UP THE GOOD WORK...THIS IS THE MST DETAILED HISTORY-TWIFIC EVER B-) :-D :-\ O:-) ;-) :-) XD p.s iznt paul's lst nem lahote or sumthin? The nem u used is quill's nem
la-geologia chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
Wow.. THANK YOU for writing this! I loved it. The writing and story were beautiful and perfect, and I'm so so glad to have had the chance to read it. :)
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