Reviews for We Always Hurt the Ones We Love
Anabeth chapter 3 . 1/9/2012
PLEASE UPDATE! There are nowhere near enough Nikola/OC stories out there! and far fewer decent ones! so please update I really love this story and it'd be awesome if you'd continue it!
Fell4 chapter 3 . 11/13/2010
aw! So cute! I love it! I love anything with Tesla in it... OK thats a lie I hate Tesla/Helen shipps
Fell4 chapter 2 . 11/13/2010
I love how Helen can still think about others after her daughter dies (not really though-Ash will come back)

Keep Writing,

Pure Girl chapter 3 . 10/30/2010
Absolutely the second Sanctuary fanfic I've ever read this has ALOT to reccommend it! Wow!
melissaadams22 chapter 3 . 10/15/2010
Hey there,

*Waves happily to you* Anxiously waiting for the return of Sanctuary here in the US but I have to say having some new fan fiction helps. *Grins & tosses confetti over you in celebration*

GREAT job, TERRIFIC effort, LOVELY treat! Keep it up.

lastrequest chapter 3 . 10/15/2010
I have to admit I don't usually like to read stories where Nikola is paired with someone other than Helen... but I'm glad I read this. I think your OC is very interesting, and I think it's sweet she's managed to control her abnormality enough to let Niko get close.

melissaadams22 chapter 2 . 10/4/2010
Hey there,

*Snuggles under my snuggie I got for Christmas* OOH it's chilly but while snuggled I read your story/update and it definitely warmed me up. It was great...well and TRULY GREAT! So please, please, please, please keep fiction is all that's making me survive until the new season starts. *Grins playfully*
melissaadams22 chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
Hey there,

*Waves at you happily* I read your update/story and it was truly wonderful! Great job, really TERRIFIC so please keep have marvelous talent, you really, REALLY do.